Discipleship 101: Unit 3 – What Is the Church?
Sundays 1:00 – 2:30 pm, 4 weeks, starting February 7th
Teacher: Pastor David
Location: On Zoom
Have you ever wondered why Jesus decided to entrust his work in the world to this thing called “the church?” If you’d like to better understand what church is supposed to be and what role it’s supposed to play in your life and in God’s plan for the world, then this class is for you!
This is part of our flagship course that we encourage everyone at LJC to take. During this Zoom-based coronavirus period, we’re offering this course in four 4-week units. This is the third unit. Don’t worry if you missed the first two; they can be taken in any order. The other units, which you can register for later, cover following Jesus, Bible study and prayer, and actualizing your spiritual gifts. When you complete these units, you will be eligible to become a voting member of LifeJourney Church.
Wrestling With The Old Testament
Wednesdays 7:00 –8:30 pm, 6 weeks, starting February 3rd (skipping Feb. 24)
Teacher: Pastor Jeff
Location: On Zoom
When you read the Old Testament, do you ever cringe? Do you sometimes find yourself thinking, “Did God really say that or do that?” In this course, we will sample six great Old Testament stories – three that are soaring and beautiful, and three that feel the opposite. As we do so, we’ll engage in deep conversations about what the Bible is, how we got it, what it means to say it’s inspired, and how Jesus approached the Bible. We’ll ask tough questions and discover some really helpful perspectives. This course is foundational for anyone who loves the Bible and wants to grow their understanding of it.