Our Discipleship Courses offer the opportunity to grow our souls, gain new insights, and build new friendships within our church family. These courses will meet in-person at the church. Masks are optional for those who are fully inoculated; masks required for those who are not. Each course has a small registration fee due at the first class, but a full scholarship is automatically granted to anyone who checks the scholarship box on the registration form. Here are your options!
Wednesdays 7:00 – 8:00 pm, July 7 – August 4, Teacher: Pastor Chris, Room 7, Registration fee $20.
Motivating others, or even yourself, can seem like a real mystery. Why do I do the things that I don’t want to do, and why don’t I do the things that I do want to do (Romans 7:15)? In this 5 week series we will explore the 4 different ways that people respond to expectations. In the process you will discover how you can motivate yourself to do the things that you want to do, and how to set expectations that others will want to meet. This course is based on the work of Gretchen Rubin, author of the New York Times Best Seller The Four Tendencies. This is a great class if you want to learn how you can motivate yourself, your children, or those whom you supervise.
Sundays 1:00 – 2:30 pm, July 11 – August 29, Teacher: Pastor David, Room 5, Registration fee $20.
Do you want to explore Christian spiritual community in a small group where folks actively seek God, listen and wait for God’s leading, and pray for one another? Is there a question in your life that could benefit from a thoughtful group discernment process? In group spiritual direction, hearts are open, agendas are ripped up and put on hold, the Spirit of Christ is present, and God has free reign over the conversations, thoughts and prayers. Through speaking, listening, questioning or simply being present for one another, we can better recognize the leading of God’s Spirit within us. As you sit with a small group of people, you learn to trust each other, pray for one another, and create space for sharing. As one speaks about a question, dilemma, or an issue requiring discernment, the others actively listen in silence with heart and soul lifted in prayer. Then, out of the silence and in God’s presence, some may ask questions – not to judge or fix, but to help you discern and clarify where God is leading. As part of our process, we will share stories, scripture, and other activities. The group is limited to no more than 8. A simple application process will be used for placement.
Thursday 7:00 – 8:30 pm, July 22 – August 12, Teacher: Pastor David, Zoom, Registration fee $10.
This is our flagship course that we encourage everyone to take when you’re able. We’re offering this course in four 4-week units. This first unit will consist of four thought-provoking discussions about what it really means to be a follower of Jesus. If you register, you must covenant to attend all four discussions. Subsequent units, which you can register for later, will cover prayer and Bible study, church life together, and how you fit into the work of God in this world. When you complete these units, you will be eligible to become a voting member of LifeJourney if you wish.