Our Discipleship Courses offer the opportunity to grow our souls, gain new insights, and build new friendships within our church family. Some of these courses are meeting at the church while others are meeting via Zoom. Each course has a small registration fee due at the first class, but a full scholarship is automatically granted to anyone who checks the scholarship box on the registration form. We have the following classes coming up for our Winter Discipleship Quarter.
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
Mondays 7:00-8:30 pm, January 24th – March 14th, Teacher: Robert Hicks-Ferguson, Location: LJC, Registration fee: $20 (scholarships available)
We live in a world that thrives on instant gratification, quick results, and immediate sensory stimulation. The Christian life, however, calls us to be not tourists but pilgrims – disciples committed to a long journey of faith. Join us as we explore Eugene Peterson’s spiritual formation classic: “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction”, and discuss deepening our prayer life and unpacking the book of Psalms. You will need a copy of the book to participate in this course. The book is available on Amazon and other booksellers, but we have financial assistance available to anyone who can let us know in advance.
Theatre and Religion
Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 pm, January 25th – March 15th, Teacher Karissa Monson, Location LJC, Registration Fee: $20 (scholarships available)
In this class, we will explore the relationship between theatre and religion. We will do a dramatic reading of three plays: The Christians, Next Fall, and The Last Days of Judas Iscariot. After reading each play we will spend time discussing their message and how they might inform our own faith. We will also spend a week looking at various musicals that also deal with religion and the impact that they have had on the world. No acting experience or skills are required. While getting into character for the reading is encouraged, it is not required. ***Please be advised that as an art form that is meant to challenge the status quo, these works include explicit language and mature content that will make some uncomfortable. If you are not comfortable with these themes please do not sign up for the class.***
Enneagram Introduction by Type
Last Sunday of January, February, & March from 6:00-7:30 pm (1/30, 2/27, 3/27), Teacher: Pastor Chris, Location: Online (Zoom), Registration fee: $10 (scholarships available)
The Enneagram is a system for understanding the human condition. It explains the nine approaches that we each may take in the world. It goes beyond personality type systems because it does not simply explain what you do, but also why you do it. Once understood, the Enneagram can be used to point you towards emotional and spiritual growth. In this three-part series, we will explore the basics of the Enneagram in preparation for future classes. Each class will focus on one of the three major categories: Body Types (8, 9, & 1’s), Heart Types (2, 3, & 4’s), & Head Types (5, 6, & 7’s). If you want to learn the basics of the Enneagram this is where you want to start, join us on Zoom for the first steps on what is likely to be a long inner journey that is sure to open your eyes to your own patterns, behaviors, and motivations.
Discipleship Unit 3: What is the Church?
Thursdays 7:00–8:30 pm, January 27th – February 17th, Teacher: Pastor David, Location: Zoom, Registration Fee: $10 (scholarships available)
Have you ever wondered why Jesus decided to entrust his work in the world to this thing called “the church?” If you’d like to better understand what church is supposed to be and what role it’s supposed to play in your life and in God’s plan for the world, then this class is for you!
This is part of our flagship course that we encourage everyone at LJC to take. During this Zoom-based coronavirus period, we’re offering this course in four 4-week units. This is the third unit. Don’t worry if you missed the first two; they can be taken in any order. The other units, which you can register for later, cover following Jesus, Bible study and prayer, and actualizing your spiritual gifts. When you complete these units, you will be eligible to become a voting member of LifeJourney Church.