
Great Cloud of Witnesses

Make sure you join us for worship this Sunday for an incredible, creative, innovative service for all ages, from the youngest to the oldest.  Memorial Day weekend is a time to remember heroes who’ve gone before us.  So this Sunday we’ll explore the Biblical concept of “the great cloud of witnesses” who surround us and […]

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It’s often said that the things we do – good and bad – have a way of coming back to us.  Is that really true?  If so, why then do bad things sometimes happen to good people – and vice versa?  Does God ever make exceptions to the principle of “sowing and reaping?”  If so, […]

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In Spite of Myself

If you need a word of encouragement, if you’re ever tempted to think you mess up too much for God to use you, if you need an extra dose of God’s grace, you need to hear this Sunday’s sermon – the fourth installment in our sermon series on the Life of Jacob.

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Words of Life, Words Like a Knife

On Sunday, we’ll study a third thought-provoking story from the Life of Jacob.  It’s a perfect story for Mother’s Day because it will challenge us to consider: How have the words of your mother, father, and other key influencers shaped you?  And how are your own words now shaping those around you and even yourself?  […]

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Short Sell

That’s the term stock traders use when they buy a stock with the intention of turning around and selling it rapidly to make a quick profit.  Life constantly tempts us to “sell short,” instead of investing in the long term.  We make decisions that feel good in the moment, but come back to bite us.  […]

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Family Dynamics

Each of us is on a journey.  God put us here in a particular life context and set us in motion.  The challenge is to make sense of our journey and turn it into something beautiful.  For guidance, this Sunday we’ll begin a new sermon series on the turbulent, magnificent life of Jacob, as recorded […]

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Palm Sunday – What’s The Point?

It’s one of the most celebrated days on the Christian calendar – full of pomp and ceremony, palm branches and pretend parades.  But why?  Why should I care?  You could spend your whole life in church and never understand the personal significance of Palm Sunday.  This Sunday we’ll fix that.

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The Journey

Life is mysterious.  We feel compelled to try to figure it out.  Why am I here?  Where am I going?  Why is this happening to me?  This week we’ll seek some answers in the story of the turbulent life of Jacob, as recorded in the book of Genesis.

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How Will God Judge Me?

It’s one of our greatest anxieties.  When I stand before God, how will I be evaluated?  Even right now as God looks down on my life, how does God feel about how I’m doing?  This Sunday Pastor Jeff will invite us to explore three Bible verses that are critical to understanding how God evaluates us.  […]

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How To Get A Miracle

The Bible is full of miracles.  In our own time, we often hear stories of miracles.  What should we make of all this?  Should we believe in miracles?  And if so, how do we get them?  Join us on Sunday for the conclusion of our sermon series on Second Corinthians and grapple with what the […]

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The Power of Negative Thinking

You’ve heard about the “the power of positive thinking.”  There’s a lot of truth in that.  But the reverse is also true.  Negative thinking can be just as powerful in destructive ways.  This week we’ll explore a passage in Second Corinthians that offers insights into how we can overcome the power of negative thinking.  None […]

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