This week we will conclude our “Encounters With Christ” sermon series by studying a resurrection appearance of Jesus that is often overlooked, yet offers profound insight for our everyday lives. If you ever find yourself feeling stuck, this Gospel story is for you.
Just two weeks left in our “Encounters With Christ” sermon series, as we now move into resurrection encounters. Sunday we’ll hear the testimony of the first person to witness Jesus resurrection and consider what we can learn from her.
Pastor Jeff's COVID isolation period is over, he's feeling great, and will be preaching on Sunday, as we begin to wind down our sermon series on Encounters With Christ. This week we'll learn something powerful from two nameless people who encountered Jesus on the cross.
To be human is to have questions – deep existential questions about life and its meaning. This Sunday we’ll look at Jesus’ dramatic encounter with Pontius Pilate and explore three great questions Pilate asked Jesus at his trial.
How do you see yourself? What’s your core identity and how does that affect how you move through the world? Those are the questions we’ll grapple with this Sunday as explore one of the most famous and surprising encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of John.
Are you careful or bold? Are you cautious or spontaneous? Are you a saver or a spender? And does it even matter? Does God care? On Sunday we’ll explore another dramatic encounter with Jesus that raises all those questions and suggests some rather provocative answers.
Do you like surprises? If not, you won’t much like life because life is full of them. This Sunday we’ll look at someone who had a surprising encounter with Jesus and, in the process, learned a critical life lesson.
Those are some of the worst words in the English language. You know the feeling. You got caught or you catch somebody “in the very act.” You have them dead to rights, or they’ve got you dead to rights. What now? What happens next is CRITICAL to both the offender and the offended. That’s what […]
It happens to all of us. We get stuck in one or more areas of our life. We know something needs to change, but it’s not happening. This Sunday we’ll explore a Gospel story where a man who was terribly stuck encountered Jesus. We’ll see what wisdom Jesus shared that allowed the man to get […]
If there’s only one sermon you ever hear, make sure it’s this one. Last Sunday we explored the first half of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well in Samaria. We saw how Jesus shattered all kinds of social barriers to engage the Samaritan woman in the single longest dialogue anyone ever had with […]
They say the quality of a person’s life is not measured by their moments of high drama, but by how they respond to the ebb and flow of ordinary everyday life. As we continue our “Encounters With Christ” sermon series, this week we’ll study Jesus’ encounter with the Woman at the Well and, in the […]
It’s one of the most oft-repeated and intriguing phrases found in the teachings of Jesus: You must be “born again.” When Jesus used those words, what did he really mean? This week we’ll dig deep – past the religious clichés, past bumper-sticker theology – to get to the bottom of the meaning of being “born […]