On Sunday we’ll conclude our “Dinner With Jesus” sermon series by studying the most famous meal in the history of the world – the Last Supper. Every Sunday across the globe Christians have reenacted the Last Supper for thousands of years. Jesus himself told us to do so. Why? What are we missing? What’s the […]
On Sunday we’ll resume our “Dinner With Jesus” sermon series, studying a Gospel story about a time Jesus shattered expectations by sharing a meal with someone who’d been spiritually shunned and hated away from God. Others were scandalized that Jesus went, but the result was miraculous. Join us on Sunday as we learn all about […]
This Sunday we’ll celebrate the 34th Anniversary of the founding of our church, followed by our Annual Church Picnic. In Sunday’s sermon, we’ll explore what we are called to be and do together, as a congregation, and why our work together is such an important part of the impact each of our lives will have on […]
We don’t often think of Jesus being angry, but the Gospels record at least three instances when it happened. We’ll study one of those instances this Sunday, as we continue our “Dinner With Jesus” sermon series. What was it that made Jesus so angry? And what can we learn from that?
This Sunday we resume our sermon series called “Dinner With Jesus.” We’ll study one of Jesus’ most famous meals – the meal where he fed 5,000 people! – and draw three critical life lessons from what he said and did at that meal.
Do you have a posse? In other words, are you part of a group of people who hang together and look out for each other? Did you know that Jesus taught that each of us should have a posse? Join us on Sunday as we discover who we should be hanging with and standing together […]
This Sunday we’ll launch a new sermon series called “Dinner With Jesus.” Jesus seems to have loved nothing more than making conversation with people over dinner. In this new series we’ll explore six of those pivotal dinner conversations, imagining that we’re there and grappling with what Jesus words mean for us to, starting this week […]
This Sunday we’ll wrap up our summer study of Jennie Allen’s New York Times bestselling book, “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.” The central idea of Jennie’s book is that we need to train our brains to think more like Jesus. So we’ve been studying seven core truths that anchored the mind […]
You’ve heard it all before – in the Bible, in articles, and in news stories: an attitude of gratitude is critical to our wellbeing even when we think there’s not much to be grateful for. But why? Why is gratitude so important, and how can we get better at it? We’ll explore those questions this […]
Humility is a huge Biblical concept, but what does it really mean – and how do we balance that with the idea that each one of us is an awesome creation of God? And while we’re at it, why is humility so essential to our quality of life? We’ll grapple with those questions this Sunday, […]
All the demands of life, coupled with losses and disappointments, can easily cause us to shut off, shut down, and end up mindlessly going through the motions of life – numb and listless. What can keep us fresh, give us hope, and renew our spirit? That will be our topic on Sunday as we continue […]
What are your top three fears right now? How goes your battle with fear? Who’s winning? The most often repeated statement in the Bible is, “Fear not.” Sounds good, but how? How can we win the battle with fear? That will be our topic on Sunday as we continue our study of Jennie Allen’s New […]