When angels appeared to the shepherds, they announced “good news of great joy for all people.” What was that good news, and why should I care? This Sunday we’ll cut through all the Christmas glitz to get down to the core content of the good news the angels shared, dissecting each key word. Sunday’s service […]
This Sunday we continue our mini-series called “Finding Myself In The Christmas Story” by exploring the extraordinary stress Mary was under during that first Christmas and asking what we can learn from her example to face down our own stress.
This Sunday Pastor Jeff will launch a 4-week Christmas mini-series meant to remind us of the powerful, practical spiritual lessons embedded in the Biblical Christmas stories. This Sunday we’ll explore what each one of us shares in common with Mary, the mother of Jesus – how God is asking each of us to do, essentially, […]
Do you have some messes in your life? Are you ever tempted to think, "God could never use someone like me." If so, join us this Sunday for some scriptural insights that just might surprise you.
This Sunday is our Thanksgiving celebration, as we explore the power, and benefits, of giving thanks for even the broken places on the road of life.
Need some encouragement after this week’s election? Worried? Maybe even scared? Join us on Sunday as we explore a couple spiritual principles that can lift us, anchor us, and guide us in unsettling times.
Do you ever worry about death? If so, this Sunday you’ll hear some insights that will really lift your spirits and give you strength to face life with greater courage. Join us for an uplifting Sunday, as we grapple with how people of faith learn to triumph over death!
How do you feel about how you look? Do you genuinely delight in how you look? This Sunday we’ll explore some ideas that may just change the way you see yourself – and others – for the rest of your days.
Will there be enough time tomorrow to get everything done? Will there be enough money to pay the bills – and eventually retire? Do you have enough talent to succeed, or enough personality to be popular? Everywhere we turn in life, we face the temptation to worry that there won’t be enough. This Sunday we’ll […]
In life, each one of us will face times of immense loneliness. It’s one of our greatest fears. We’d do most anything to avoid it. Yet the Bible teaches that times of intense loneliness may be the key to unlocking the fullness of our potential. How so? Join us this Sunday as we explore one […]
We’re creatures of community. We want to belong, to be accepted, to be liked. The thought of being rejected is almost too much to bear. So we can easily fall into the trap of letting our lives be controlled by the approval of others. This Sunday we’ll look to the example of Jesus to figure out […]
We’ll launch a new sermon series called “FEAR LESS.” In this series, we’ll explore ways to conquer our six greatest fears, starting this week with a famous Bible story that teaches how to triumph over fear of failure.