How do you see yourself? What’s your core identity and how does that affect how you move through the world? Those are the questions we’ll grapple with this Sunday as explore one of the most famous and surprising encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of John.
Did you know that everything we can see was made from what we cannot see? If you knew how to tap this unseen realm to produce more goodness in life, would you do it? On Sunday, we will explore a special miracle story of Jesus which provides some practical application for better aligning our own […]
As we move toward Thanksgiving, we’ll continue to explore how we can grow our sense of gratitude. This week we’ll study the amazing spiritual and scientific connection between gratitude and generosity – and how these two impulses can powerfully reinforce each other. Learn something important!
It can be hard to find contentment in our lives. We’re overwhelmed, overloaded, and exhausted by what happens in everyday life. We want more time, but only to “catch up” on what we’re already doing — rushing, planning, worrying, and rushing some more. Everything can suffer. Contentment and joy evaporate. How do we get some […]
This week we continue our sermon series based on Brené Brown’s bestselling book The Gifts of Imperfection by exploring Guidepost No. 4 – Cultivating joy and gratitude . . . by letting go of fear. We’ll learn about the single most important thing – according to Brown’s research and the Bible – that anyone can do to cultivate a “good […]
This week we begin a new sermon series based on Brené Brown’s bestselling book The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are. We’ll get started by looking at Brené’s first principle: authenticity. Sermon Reference (not included in the video): Video clip of Keala Settle singing “This Is Me” […]
Got any financial stress? Ever wonder why you work hard, earn a paycheck, but there never seems to be enough? Are finances a source of frustration in your life? This Sunday we continue our sermon series called “Getting Myself Together” by take a look at four bedrock Biblical principles that can help us find financial […]
On Sunday we will continue digging deeper into the meaning of the Biblical Christmas story, exploring where the tradition of Christmas gift-giving comes from – and how that’s meant to ripple through our lives. Join us in this holy season, as we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ child.
Did you know that there’s an Old Testament book that appears in the Bible of half the world’s Christians that was written by someone named Jesus? (Not the Jesus we know, but a great teacher who shared the same name and lived 200 years before our Jesus.) This Sunday we’ll study that ancient book, taking special note […]
The most important sermon ever will be preached on Sunday at LifeJourney Church – not because of who preaches it and not because of how its presented, but because it will be about Jesus’ secret formula for living abundant life. If you want to live your best life, join us on Sunday for the third installment in our sermon […]
At church this Sunday, an angel has a message specifically for you from God. Don’t miss it! Join us for our new Christmas sermon series – “Voices of Angels.”
How much confidence do you have everything you need will be provided, day by day? Do you find yourself worrying that there won’t be enough? This Sunday we’ll be exploring several spiritual insights that can liberate us, allowing us to relax and live in a sense of confidence and abundance. YOUR PRESENCE at worship this Sunday will feed your […]