We’re in the midst of a sermon series entitled “Called Together,” looking at our life together in spiritual community from several different angles. Last Sunday we talked about why you need us. This week we’ll talk about why we need you. Did you know that, according to the Bible, you have several spiritual superpowers that […]
This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series called “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity” by exploring a life-changing, uplifting promise that emerges from a little known fact embedded in the Biblical Christmas story. Join us as we learn, grow, and celebrate the season of Christmas!
On Sunday we’ll conclude our “Dinner With Jesus” sermon series by studying the most famous meal in the history of the world – the Last Supper. Every Sunday across the globe Christians have reenacted the Last Supper for thousands of years. Jesus himself told us to do so. Why? What are we missing? What’s the […]
On Sunday we’ll continue our study of Jennie Allen’s New York Times bestselling book, “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.” This week we’ll dig deep into the single biggest lie Satan tells us and explore the countervailing truth that can set us free from that lie. Your life will be […]
A bright sunny day lifts our mood. A dark stormy day has the opposite effect. The weather that surrounds us affects us profoundly. Our understanding of who God is, and how God feels about us, can have the same effect. It becomes the atmosphere that surrounds us and colors how we feel about all of […]
This Sunday we’ll explore another often overlooked portion of the biblical Christmas story that’s filled with thought-provoking signs and omens that help us better understand the heart of Jesus and nature of his earthly ministry. If COVID interrupted your worship attendance pattern, Christmas is a great time to get back in the swing Come home […]
This Sunday we begin a new sermon series called “Songs of Our Heart.” In this series, we’ll study the songs sung by our ancestors in faith in the Old Testament book of Psalms and discover that their hopes, dreams, fears, and anxieties are very similar to ours. From them, we will learn how to better […]
This Sunday Pastor Jeff begins a new sermon series that explores who bears ultimate responsibility for the death of Jesus. Many different people had a motive to remove Jesus from the scene, including some who will really surprise you. There will be unexpected plot twists. We will look at the case against each suspect, then […]
Jesus affirmatively and emphatically commanded us to observe Holy Communion. No practice is more central to the Christian faith than Holy Communion. But why? This Sunday we’re going to talk about the meaning of Communion, why it’s so important, what we’re supposed to get from it, and how it can become a transformational part of […]
For the religious right, transgender people are one of the biggest “issues” right now. Many churches rail against them. Not LifeJourney. We believe transgender people are a beautiful part of the diversity of God’s creation. Join us on Sunday as we explore the Biblical case for spiritual equality for trans and nonbinary people.
Most churches refuse to treat women, gays, and transgender people as full, equal partners in ministry. LifeJourney Church is different! If someone asked you why, could you make the Biblical case for equality? Last week we explored the Biblical case for women. This week we explore the Biblical case for gay people.