This Sunday we resume our sermon series called “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity” by focusing on a promise that will put us in the right frame of mind as we launch into a brand new year.
The New Testament says that when we are “born again” (i.e., spiritually awakened), we receive an amazing, incredible, miraculous gift called “the Holy Spirit.” What does that mean? And what new possibilities does that open up in my life? This will be the fourth of five installments in our sermon series on “New Life in […]
In our sermon series on “New Life in Christ,” we’ve talked about what Jesus meant when he said “you must be born again” and we’ve talked about the role that grace and faith play in that spiritual birthing process. Now this Sunday we’re ready to discuss what comes next. Once I’ve been spiritually reborn, what […]
As we continue our sermon series about how to live by faith, this Sunday we’ll dig into the wonderful insights found in one of the most famous Gospel stories – the story where the disciples are trapped in a life-threatening storm at sea and Peter attempts to walk on water. Embedded in this story are […]
This week we conclude our sermon series on the Parables of Jesus by studying a story Jesus told about his second coming – when it will be, how it will happen, and how we should live in light of that. You’ll be surprised at how much practical wisdom this parable offers for how we should […]
Relationships are really hard. Not just spousal relationships, but also relationships with children, parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, etc. This Sunday we’re going to talk about some Biblical principles for growing the strength and quality of our relationships, as Pastor Jeff continues a series of four January sermons on the theme of "Taking My Life to […]
As we continue our intensive study of the book of Second Corinthians, this Sunday we come to a passage that challenges us to reimagine life from an eternal perspective. What does that mean? How does it change things? Why is it so important to my current quality of life? Those are the questions we’ll explore […]
On Sunday we launch a new sermon series on the New Testament book of Second Corinthians. Second Corinthians is all about everyday challenges we face in life and faith, starting with the challenge posed by all of life’s hardship. When it feels like life is crushing us, how should we respond? That’s our subject this […]
Each Sunday in December we're talking about the incredible gift of Jesus in our lives, guided by Isaiah's famous four-part Christmas prophecy. The four descriptors used in Isaiah’s prophecy help us understand what Jesus is like and how he works in our lives. This Sunday we'll explore the odd claim that Jesus was/is "Everlasting Father." Wait, […]
This Sunday Pastor Jeff begins a four-week series based on a famous Christmas prophecy found in Isaiah 9:6. There Isaiah identifies four amazing ways the gift of Jesus can lift and transform our lives. This week we’ll unwrap and explore the first incredible gift. It’s something you really need, but might not ever think to […]
Do you ever say to yourself: What’s wrong with me? Why do I always do that? When will I ever learn? I’m not good enough! I don’t deserve to be a child of God! And the list goes on and on. Sometimes we feel like a failure and the pain is profound. I wonder what […]
Have you ever known someone like that? Though imperfect, you see so much of the beauty of God in them, you find yourself wanting to be like them. And wouldn’t it be great to be that kind of person? On Sunday we’re going to talk about how to get there, step by step, as we […]
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