
Will Heaven Be Boring?

In the popular imagination, heaven is often pictured as a place of eternal rest, kind of like an old folks’ home in the sky. Nothin’ to do but sit around on clouds and play harps. To most of us, that doesn’t sound very uninviting. As we continue our sermon series on heaven, this Sunday we’re […]

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Contact Tracing

You’ve heard the phrase thrown about a lot lately, but on Sunday we’re going to explore it from a very different angle. According to the Bible, every contact we have with someone else leaves an enduring trace on them and us – for better or worse. If we want to be Jesus’ hands and feet […]

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We all know what it feels like when circumstances close in on us and we feel trapped.  That’s what this Sunday’s Bible story is about – being trapped – how it happens and how to get out when it does.

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What Made Jesus Laugh?

As we continue our quest to experience Jesus at a deeper level, this Sunday we’ll explore the single happiest moment in Jesus’ life recorded in the Gospels.  What was it that made Jesus so happy?  Join us Sunday to find out!  Remember to spring your clock forward one hour on Saturday night!

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The Spirit That Oppresses You

What’s the greatest weakness or obstacle you face in your life right now?  Maybe it seems invincible.  This Sunday we’ll study a story where our ancestors in the faith faced an invincible foe, yet prevailed.  The same principles that worked for them then will work for us now.

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Life is constantly testing us, confronting us with all kinds of disorienting experiences.  How we respond in those moments, moment by moment, gradually makes us who we are, for better or worse.  This Sunday we'll look at a story from Genesis that offers insight into how we can become much better at responding in the […]

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