
Go For It

Are you ready for the New Year? Is your attitude and outlook where you want it to be? Sunday’s sermon will challenge us to make a conscious attitude adjustment that will lift us out of a defensive crouch and put us on the offensive. Let’s tune ourselves up and get ready to march into the […]

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Lessons From St. Joan of Arc

This Sunday we’ll continue our sermon series about some of the great saints throughout church history by focusing on one of the most colorful and unlikely of all the saints.  She only lived to be 19.  Yet she accomplished something that no one thought possible, especially for a woman of her time.  We’ll draw two […]

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Cultivating Self-Compassion

This week we continue our new sermon series based on Brené Brown’s bestselling book The Gifts of Imperfection.  Last week we explored Guidepost No. 1 – Cultivating Authenticity . . . by letting go of what people think.  This week is Guidepost No. 2 – Cultivating Self-Compassion . .  by letting go of perfectionism.  If you ever struggle […]

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Sunday morning we’ll celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with rousing music, a drama segment, and a sermon about how the message of Easter, when internalized, transforms our entire approach to life and make us incredibly powerful people.  Are you living into your Easter potential?  Join us Sunday to find out.

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Crazy & Laughable

Have you ever found yourself in a place where if felt like God might be calling you to do something a little crazy, and you weren’t sure how to respond?  This week’s Bible story will offer us insights into situations like that, as we continue exploring epic stories in the book of Genesis.

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How To Rise With Christ

The Easter miracle was not meant to be a one-time occurrence.  The same power that raised Jesus from the dead was replicated in the lives of Jesus’ original disciples – and can still be replicated in us.  This Sunday we’ll explore what the original disciples did to access resurrection power in their everyday lives – and how […]

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Prayer as Action!

Most of us believe prayer is powerful – absolutely essential to living with spiritual power.  But most of us also wonder, “Am I doing it right?  What am I missing?”  This week we’ll look at a key episode in the life of Jesus to gain insight into how prayer should work in our lives at […]

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