Today we begin a new sermon series on the up-and-down, zigzag life of Joseph as told in the book of Genesis. It’s a story bristling with insights for our own journey. The story begins with something every single one of us will experience many times in our own life. What do you do when you […]
We’re in the midst of a brief sermon series called “Life’s Three Greatest Temptations . . . according to the Bible.” This week we’ll look at the second great temptation. This second temptation destroys more spiritual journeys than any other temptation known to humanity. We all need to know what it is and equip ourselves to […]
Life is chalked full of disasters – moral failure, job loss, divorce, injustice, bankruptcy, serious illness, death of a dream, death of a loved one. Nothing can be harder on us – or our faith – than when disaster strikes. So this Sunday we will consider what happens with faith meets disaster. How can/should faith […]
What are you thankful for? As we move into this Thanksgiving Season, it’s time for each of us to ponder that question. This week’s Scripture passage – Psalm 16 – is going to challenge us to celebrate the goodness of God in three very unlikely places in our life. Join us Sunday to tune your […]
Life is full of unexpected, unwelcome, and sometimes devastating interruptions. How many times has life thrown you a curve ball? How we respond in those times is critical. So that’s what we’re going to talk about on Sunday, as we conclude our sermon series on The Meaning of the Cross by exploring a fourth great lesson of […]
This Sunday is Anniversary Sunday at LifeJourney! It seems odd to celebrate when everything is so disrupted by COVID and we can only gather online. For perspective, we’re going to look to a great Bible story that gives insight into how God works through even life’s greatest disruptions. If you’re looking for some encouragement and […]
Once there was a man who felt called to do something really important in life. He threw himself into it with passion and accomplished something great! But then his life's work was destroyed. What did he do next? Join us on Sunday to find out -- and in the process, learn a very important lesson […]
Life is full of unexpected plot twists that throw us for a loop. How we respond in those times can make all the difference. This week we’ll explore a Bible passage that offers deep insight into what to do – and not to do – when life serves up a bitter disappointment.
As we continue our quest to experience Jesus at a deeper level, this Sunday we’ll explore the single happiest moment in Jesus’ life recorded in the Gospels. What was it that made Jesus so happy? Join us Sunday to find out! Remember to spring your clock forward one hour on Saturday night!
Have you ever found yourself in a place where if felt like God might be calling you to do something a little crazy, and you weren’t sure how to respond? This week’s Bible story will offer us insights into situations like that, as we continue exploring epic stories in the book of Genesis.
There came a time in the life of Noah and his family when they lost everyone and everything to a great flood. How did they manage to survive and eventually thrive once again? That’s the question we’ll explore this Sunday, as we seek insights for how to respond to great tragedy in our own life. […]