We always hear church people say, “On the cross Jesus paid for our sins; if he hadn’t died we couldn’t be forgiven.” But why? What does that really mean? Nobody ever takes the time to break it down and explain it. On Sunday we will, as we continue to explore The Meaning of the Cross. We’ll […]
As a children of God, what do we have the right to expect from God in terms of the quality of our life? Most of us would hope for a long life filled with blessings with minimal suffering. But then along comes Jesus, saying, “Take up your cross and follow me.” What does that mean? […]
As Christians, we believe Jesus’ death on the cross was the most pivotal event in the history of the world. On Sunday we will launch a new sermon series that explores why. Over the next four Sundays we’ll look at four different meanings of the cross, each taking us deeper in the understanding of our faith and […]
This week we will explore the single most important concept for us to understand if we’re going to be followers of Jesus. The explosive power of Jesus’ message comes from this core concept. Do you know what it is? Have you internalized it? Are you living it? Sermon Video Reference
You’ve probably heard it said many times, “Jesus had to die.” It’s one of those things that Christians say – a lot. But why? Why did he have to die? Why couldn’t God have just pardoned our sins without the trauma of the cross? This Sunday we’ll explore those questions, as we continue our series […]
This Sunday – Palm Sunday – marks the beginning of Holy Week! You may be tempted to think, “So what? I already know the story.” No you don’t. You may think you do because you’ve heard it a million times. But what if all this time there has been a REALLY IMPORTANT aspect to the story of Jesus’ […]
Do you know what it is? If not, you can’t protect your soul from it and might fall prey to it. This Sunday we’ll expose that fallacy and explore its opposite life-giving truth, as we wrap up our sermon series called, “Reflections On The Cross.”
Life constantly confronts us with difficult choices. What’s best for me versus what’s best for others. What I want versus what you want. Immediate gratification versus deferred gratification. On Sunday we’ll learn a wonderful life-giving principle that can help us when facing difficult choices. This will be the fourth installment in our sermon series called […]
If Easter is simply a story about something incredible that happened 2,000 years ago, it feels a bit irrelevant, frankly. But what if it’s not? What if the miracle that began on the first Easter is still playing out in our world today – and we can experience it and share it right where we […]
Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, culminating in Good Friday and Easter. This Sunday we’ll study the Gospel story that most scholars believe was the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back” – one last, great, daring act by Jesus that sealed his fate on the cross.
We’re getting closer and closer to Easter, counting down the days to Jesus’ death. As we do so, we’ll continue unraveling the murder mystery surrounding Jesus’ death, exploring clues left behind in the Gospel record. This week we will explore Jesus’ greatest provocation – an idea so heretical, the religious establishment had no choice but […]
This Sunday we continue our journey to the cross by looking at yet another Gospel passage that resulted in yet another death threat against Jesus. This week we will focus on a passage where Jesus launched a frontal assault on how religion often uses rules as an instrument of control. Each one of us will […]