
What a Life of Faith Looks Like

This Sunday Pastor Jeff will share an amazing story about two lizards – yes, lizards! – who will show us what a life of deep faith looks like. Are you facing any big challenges in life right now? Do you have loved ones who are facing big challenges? If so, this sermon’s for you.

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Christmas Vision

On Sunday Pastor Jeff will begin a Christmas sermon series.  We’ll start by exploring the historical meaning of one of the great Christmas prophecies, and in the process learn a very powerful lesson for our lives today.  Get ready to experience a Christmas vision!

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The Season of Hope

As Christmas approaches, we’re going to hear the word “hope” bandied about a lot.  “Tis the season for Hope!” greeting cards declare.  Yeah, but what does that mean when you (or someone you love) faces cancer or divorce or job loss or rejection or general malaise?  On Sunday we’ll get real, ask, and answer that tough question.

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Is Life Meaningless?

Solomon, a great king, successful by all measures, looked back on his life and called it all meaningless.  We strive and reach for all kinds of things to find meaning in our lives, and no matter how far we go, we always want more.  Is there something more?  Some meaning, some light worth chasing?  Come, […]

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Giants In the Land

This Sunday we’ll look at another famous Old Testament story – Joshua and Caleb spying out the Land of Promise – and learn something absolutely critical for living powerful, positive lives.

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Broken World, Broken Politics

Are you tempted to despair at the state of political affairs in our nation?  At one time or another, every single one of us is bound to feel that way.  So what should we do?  In Bible times, our ancestors in faith faced political challenges beyond our wildest imagination.  This Sunday we’ll look to their […]

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In your personal life, do you ever feel deeply discouraged?  With what’s happening in our nation, do you ever feel despair?  On Sunday, we’re launching a new sermon series on prayer called “Wow! Woe! Want! Wait! – Four Essential Elements of Prayer.”  Each week we’ll explore a different essential element of prayer.  This Sunday we’ll […]

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When You Run Out

From time to time, we all get to the place where we’re completely spent – nothing left to give; we’ve run dry.  What then?  This Sunday, we’ll explore a Gospel passage offers a powerful formula for how to respond in times when you feel completely depleted.

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