
The Measure of a Life

The Sunday we’re going to discuss an amazing fact about the life of Jesus that you’ve probably never considered before.  Yet this single fact offers us incredible insight into what it means to live a full, vibrant life following in the footsteps of Jesus.  Are  you ready for a thought-provoking conversation?

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The next character in our study of “The Baddest People in the Bible” is Satan himself.  We’ll begin by wrestling with whether thoughtful 21st century people of faith believe in Satan and, if so, why?  Then we’ll explore what powerful lessons we can learn from Satan’s profoundly negative example.

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Prayer is puzzling subject.  How does it work?  Am I doing it right?  What should I say?  Why are some prayers answered and not others?  Over the next three weeks, we’re going to do a deep dive into Jesus’ most famous prayer – The Lord’s Prayer – to see what we can learn from it.  […]

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This Sunday we conclude our sermon series on the life of Mary by looking at the amazing, incredible, unforeseeable place Mary came to at the end of her life.  Now, suddenly, so much that made no sense in her life finally did.  And from this we learn another really important lesson for our lives.

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Restraining God

This Sunday Pastor Jeff continues our sermon series “From the Cradle to the Grave: Lessons from the Life of Mary.”  The passage we’ll study contains a particularly poignant lesson for us as we approach the New Year and reflect on how to make the most of whatever adversity we currently face.  Start the New Year […]

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The Illusion of Permanence

This week we conclude our sermon series on the Parables of Jesus by studying a story Jesus told about his second coming – when it will be, how it will happen, and how we should live in light of that.  You’ll be surprised at how much practical wisdom this parable offers for how we should […]

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Meet Your Moments!

Join us for our Palm Sunday celebration, which marks the beginning of the most eventful week on the Christian calendar.  This Sunday we will study Luke’s account of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, drawing power life lessons from three key actors in the Palm Parade.

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Game of Thrones

This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series on the Old Testament book of Daniel, as we explore a vivid story about a king who went mad and lost his throne, only to recover it again.  Why should we care?  Because there’s so much we learn from that king’s experience about how to find our […]

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Broken Hallelujah

What are you thankful for?  As we move into this Thanksgiving Season, it’s time for each of us to ponder that question.  This week’s Scripture passage – Psalm 16 – is going to challenge us to celebrate the goodness of God in three very unlikely places in our life.  Join us Sunday to tune your […]

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When have you felt most overwhelmed in your life?  What threatens to overwhelm you right now?  This Sunday we will study two psalms written by King David when he felt overwhelmed.  In them, we will discover three powerful practical things we can do in times of distress to hold ourselves together and cultivate serenity.

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When A Dream Dies

Life is full of unexpected, unwelcome, and sometimes devastating interruptions.  How many times has life thrown you a curve ball?  How we respond in those times is critical.  So that’s what we’re going to talk about on Sunday, as we conclude our sermon series on The Meaning of the Cross by exploring a fourth great lesson of […]

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Waiting For What?

Let’s face it, life is full of waiting – so much so, we can’t live well until we learn to wait well.  So, on Sunday we’re going to take a look at how our ancestors in the faith waited patiently for the coming of the Messiah and ask what we can learn from them about […]

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