This Sunday we wrap up our sermon series called “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity” by exploring the Bible’s penultimate promise – the promise of life in heaven. What will be it be like? What will we do there? Who will be there? Join us for a thoughtful, inspiring time […]
This Sunday we continue our sermon series on “Who Killed Jesus?” Our goal is to determine who bears ultimate responsibility for Jesus’ death, As we examine the various suspects, we’ve been thinking deeply and learning a lot. Although it sounds counterintuitive, this Sunday we’re going to explore Jesus’ role in his own death by asking: […]
Life is full of unexpected, unwelcome, and sometimes devastating interruptions. How many times has life thrown you a curve ball? How we respond in those times is critical. So that’s what we’re going to talk about on Sunday, as we conclude our sermon series on The Meaning of the Cross by exploring a fourth great lesson of […]
There is nothing more challenging in life than losing a loved one. The grief can be overwhelming. This Sunday we’ll conclude our sermon series on “Managing Our Moods” by exploring several profound spiritual principles that can help us pull through even the deepest grief.
Would it surprise you that Christians do not agree on the answers to those questions? This Sunday we’ll explore several differences of interpretation, evaluate them, stretch our imagination, and in the process learn two powerful practical lessons for how we should live right now.
Fear plays a big part in our lives – fear of living and fear of dying. This Sunday we’ll explore an epic Old Testament Scripture that invites us to develop a more confident, hopeful view of both life and death. Join us to learn something important about yourself and about God.
Do you ever worry about death? If so, this Sunday you’ll hear some insights that will really lift your spirits and give you strength to face life with greater courage. Join us for an uplifting Sunday, as we grapple with how people of faith learn to triumph over death!