This Sunday we continue our new sermon series “From the Cradle to the Grave: Lessons from the Life of Mary.” In this second installment, we’ll explore a POWERFULLY UPLIFTING LESSON we can learn from the incredibly difficult circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus.
As we move through life, we often find ourselves feeling like we don’t have enough of what we need to meet the challenges before us. Maybe it’s a death or divorce or illness or financial stress or tension at work or conflict with family, etc., etc. How should we respond when it feels like there […]
Are you facing some challenges? Do you need some inspiration and encouragement? This Sunday Pastor Jeff will talk to us about three spiritual principles that can empower us to triumph over adversity in our lives.
They say the quality of a person’s life is not measured by their moments of high drama, but by how they respond to the ebb and flow of ordinary everyday life. As we continue our “Encounters With Christ” sermon series, this week we’ll study Jesus’ encounter with the Woman at the Well and, in the […]
Are you frazzled? Stretched too thin? Does it feel like your life is out-of-balance? If so, Jesus has something to say to you. Join us on Sunday as we tackle Brené Brown’s Guidepost No. 6 for wholehearted living: cultivating play and rest . . . by letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol and […]