
Hero or Villain?

Last we launched a new sermon series called “The Baddest People in the Bible,” recognizing that we can learn a lot from the mistakes of others.  There’s nothing like a powerful negative example to cause us to say, “I don’t want to be like that!”  The Bible character we study this week will surprise you […]

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Faith or Failure? A Biblical Tale

Samson is one of the most puzzling “heroes” in the Bible.  He was full of flaws, yet also chosen and called by God.  As we explore Samson’s story, we’ll wrestle with this big question: Can you have faith and not be faithful?

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In Spite of Myself

If you need a word of encouragement, if you’re ever tempted to think you mess up too much for God to use you, if you need an extra dose of God’s grace, you need to hear this Sunday’s sermon – the fourth installment in our sermon series on the Life of Jacob.

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