
Hold Me Together

This Sunday we continue our new sermon series “From the Cradle to the Grave: Lessons from the Life of Mary.”  In this second installment, we’ll explore a POWERFULLY UPLIFTING LESSON we can learn from the incredibly difficult circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus.

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Why Does God Allow The Poor To Suffer?

Have you ever wondered about that?  As we continue in our sermon series on Psalms, this Sunday we’re going to delve into a song (i.e., psalm) that describes the suffering of the poor.  As we do so, we’ll grapple with the meaning of the Hebrew term for “poor” (hint: it’s not what you think), how […]

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When A Dream Dies

Life is full of unexpected plot twists that throw us for a loop.  How we respond in those times can make all the difference.  This week we’ll explore a Bible passage that offers deep insight into what to do – and not to do – when life serves up a bitter disappointment.

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Magical Mystery Tour

Last week we talked a bit about finding God’s will in our lives.  This week we’ll take that conversation deeper, exploring a powerful spiritual principle embedded in an obscure Old Testament story.  Our attention was drawn to this story by a dream God gave to someone in our congregation.  For some reason, God wants us […]

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What Should I Believe About Hell?

Have you ever struggled with what to believe about hell?  On the one hand, hell seems so harsh.  How could a God of love send people to hell?  On the other hand, it’s hard to imagine heaven being heaven if hateful, selfish people are allowed in.  So what should a thoughtful Christian believe?  This Sunday we’ll explore […]

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Is My Life Predetermined?

This Sunday we begin a new sermon series called “Difficult Questions of Faith.”  In this series, we will pull no punches, boldly exploring the most perplexing questions of faith, starting this Sunday with two key questions:  Is my life predetermined by God’s plan or subject to the vicissitudes of free will and randomness?  How involved is God in […]

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Spirit Prayer

Have you ever wondered how prayer works?  This Sunday we’ll try to understand – and in the process, we’ll discover a whole new way of praying that you’ve probably never even heard of.  Come get your prayer power on!   

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