
Join us for Pride Weekend Worship!  During the sermon time on Sunday, some of our trans congregants will share their personal experiences and other important information.  Taking time to understand those whose life experiences differ from ours is a critical part of what Jesus meant when he said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Let’s practice […]

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Responding to Anti-Trans Hate: WWJD?

This Sunday, for the second installment in our sermon series called “The Bible & Justice: What Love Looks Like in Public,” we will be challenged to think deeply about what Jesus would want us to do – individually and as a congregation – to respond to the huge surge in hate being directed at transgender […]

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Lots of Christians are convinced LGBTQ people have no place in the church and will have no place in heaven, because that’s what they’ve always been taught.  This Sunday we’ll study a passage of Scripture that powerfully rebuts that negative perspective, as we mark Gay Pride weekend in Indianapolis.  Come on out and celebrate God’s […]

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