

This Sunday we resume our sermon series called “Dinner With Jesus.”  We’ll study one of Jesus’ most famous meals – the meal where he fed 5,000 people! – and draw three critical life lessons from what he said and did at that meal.

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The Measure of a Life

The Sunday we’re going to discuss an amazing fact about the life of Jesus that you’ve probably never considered before.  Yet this single fact offers us incredible insight into what it means to live a full, vibrant life following in the footsteps of Jesus.  Are  you ready for a thought-provoking conversation?

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Taking My Relationships to the Next Level

Relationships are really hard.  Not just spousal relationships, but also relationships with children, parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, etc.  This Sunday we’re going to talk about some Biblical principles for growing the strength and quality of our relationships, as Pastor Jeff continues a series of four January sermons on the theme of "Taking My Life to […]

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Living Large

Deep in their belly, ships have flood walls.  If a ship springs a leak, doors can be closed that contain the flood waters to a compartment, minimizing damage.  Often we live our faith like that – compartmentalizing our lives, letting God into certain areas, but not others.  This Sunday we’ll explore an example of what […]

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Who Am I? – according to Jesus

How do you see yourself?  What’s your core identity and how does that affect how you move through the world?  Those are the questions we’ll grapple with this Sunday as explore one of the most famous and surprising encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of John.

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