
How to Win the Battle With Fear

What are your top three fears right now?  How goes your battle with fear?  Who’s winning?  The most often repeated statement in the Bible is, “Fear not.”  Sounds good, but how?  How can we win the battle with fear?  That will be our topic on Sunday as we continue our study of Jennie Allen’s New […]

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The next character in our study of “The Baddest People in the Bible” is Satan himself.  We’ll begin by wrestling with whether thoughtful 21st century people of faith believe in Satan and, if so, why?  Then we’ll explore what powerful lessons we can learn from Satan’s profoundly negative example.

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Prayer is puzzling subject.  How does it work?  Am I doing it right?  What should I say?  Why are some prayers answered and not others?  Over the next three weeks, we’re going to do a deep dive into Jesus’ most famous prayer – The Lord’s Prayer – to see what we can learn from it.  […]

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This Sunday we conclude our sermon series on the life of Mary by looking at the amazing, incredible, unforeseeable place Mary came to at the end of her life.  Now, suddenly, so much that made no sense in her life finally did.  And from this we learn another really important lesson for our lives.

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Restraining God

This Sunday Pastor Jeff continues our sermon series “From the Cradle to the Grave: Lessons from the Life of Mary.”  The passage we’ll study contains a particularly poignant lesson for us as we approach the New Year and reflect on how to make the most of whatever adversity we currently face.  Start the New Year […]

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How To Harness God’s Power

As we continue our sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power,” this week we will look at a resurrection story that tells us how we can harness God’s power in our lives?  The answer is going to surprise you.  Don’t live an underpowered life!  Join us Sunday, and let’s learn together!

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Meet Your Moments!

Join us for our Palm Sunday celebration, which marks the beginning of the most eventful week on the Christian calendar.  This Sunday we will study Luke’s account of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, drawing power life lessons from three key actors in the Palm Parade.

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Broken Hallelujah

What are you thankful for?  As we move into this Thanksgiving Season, it’s time for each of us to ponder that question.  This week’s Scripture passage – Psalm 16 – is going to challenge us to celebrate the goodness of God in three very unlikely places in our life.  Join us Sunday to tune your […]

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Who Killed Jesus? Suspect #2

Have you ever been disappointed in God?  On Sunday we continue a new sermon series exploring who bears ultimate responsibility for the death of Jesus.  This week we’ll look at Suspect #2 – Judas Iscariot.  Judas’ story is fascinating and teaches us a VERY important lesson about how we should (and shouldn’t) react when we […]

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This Sunday we’ll resume our Life of Jacob sermon series and grapple with one of the most intriguing stories in the Bible – an instance where Jacob wrestled with “the Angel of the Lord.”  It’s a thought provoking story that raises deep questions about prayer and how God works in our world.

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