We’re in the midst of a sermon series entitled “Called Together,” looking at our life together in spiritual community from several different angles. Last Sunday we talked about why you need us. This week we’ll talk about why we need you. Did you know that, according to the Bible, you have several spiritual superpowers that […]
This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series called “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity” by exploring a life-changing, uplifting promise that emerges from a little known fact embedded in the Biblical Christmas story. Join us as we learn, grow, and celebrate the season of Christmas!
On Sunday we’ll conclude our “Dinner With Jesus” sermon series by studying the most famous meal in the history of the world – the Last Supper. Every Sunday across the globe Christians have reenacted the Last Supper for thousands of years. Jesus himself told us to do so. Why? What are we missing? What’s the […]
On Sunday we’ll resume our “Dinner With Jesus” sermon series, studying a Gospel story about a time Jesus shattered expectations by sharing a meal with someone who’d been spiritually shunned and hated away from God. Others were scandalized that Jesus went, but the result was miraculous. Join us on Sunday as we learn all about […]
Prayer is puzzling subject. How does it work? Am I doing it right? What should I say? Why are some prayers answered and not others? Over the next three weeks, we’re going to do a deep dive into Jesus’ most famous prayer – The Lord’s Prayer – to see what we can learn from it. […]
A bright sunny day lifts our mood. A dark stormy day has the opposite effect. The weather that surrounds us affects us profoundly. Our understanding of who God is, and how God feels about us, can have the same effect. It becomes the atmosphere that surrounds us and colors how we feel about all of […]
This Sunday we begin a new sermon series called “Songs of Our Heart.” In this series, we’ll study the songs sung by our ancestors in faith in the Old Testament book of Psalms and discover that their hopes, dreams, fears, and anxieties are very similar to ours. From them, we will learn how to better […]
It’s one of our greatest anxieties. When I stand before God, how will I be evaluated? Even right now as God looks down on my life, how does God feel about how I’m doing? This Sunday Pastor Jeff will invite us to explore three Bible verses that are critical to understanding how God evaluates us. […]
As another New Year begins, wouldn’t it be great to hear a personal word from God – a message tailored just for you – saying exactly what you most need to hear right now? On Sunday, we’ll explore three critical things God might want to say to each of us right now. Odds are you […]