
The Measure of a Life

The Sunday we’re going to discuss an amazing fact about the life of Jesus that you’ve probably never considered before.  Yet this single fact offers us incredible insight into what it means to live a full, vibrant life following in the footsteps of Jesus.  Are  you ready for a thought-provoking conversation?

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Prayer is puzzling subject.  How does it work?  Am I doing it right?  What should I say?  Why are some prayers answered and not others?  Over the next three weeks, we’re going to do a deep dive into Jesus’ most famous prayer – The Lord’s Prayer – to see what we can learn from it.  […]

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Restraining God

This Sunday Pastor Jeff continues our sermon series “From the Cradle to the Grave: Lessons from the Life of Mary.”  The passage we’ll study contains a particularly poignant lesson for us as we approach the New Year and reflect on how to make the most of whatever adversity we currently face.  Start the New Year […]

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God’s Plan For My Life

We often find ourselves wondering, “What is God’s plan for my life?” – and the answer often alludes us, which is enormously frustrating because if God has a plan for us, we want to know it.  So that’s what we’re going to talk about this Sunday, as we come to the fourth installment in our […]

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Game of Thrones

This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series on the Old Testament book of Daniel, as we explore a vivid story about a king who went mad and lost his throne, only to recover it again.  Why should we care?  Because there’s so much we learn from that king’s experience about how to find our […]

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Unto Us a Child Is Born

This Sunday Pastor Jeff begins a four-week series based on a famous Christmas prophecy found in Isaiah 9:6.  There Isaiah identifies four amazing ways the gift of Jesus can lift and transform our lives.  This week we’ll unwrap and explore the first incredible gift.  It’s something you really need, but might not ever think to […]

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Lessons from Science for Faith

On Sunday Pastor Jeff will wrap up our Faith & Science sermon series inspired by Dr. Francis Collins’ best-selling book “The Language of God.”  This week we’ll explore how a Gospel story, coupled with two powerful experiences from Dr. Collins’ life in science, can help us find God’s will in our life.  If you want […]

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What Should I Do?

What is God trying to accomplish in and through you in the present global crisis?  With everything discombobulated, is there any rhyme or reason to your present circumstance?  This Sunday Pastor Jeff will share the answer that God gave him in a dream this week – an answer drawn from one of Jesus’ least familiar […]

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Finding Meaning

Who am I?  Why am I here?  And what am I supposed to be doing with my life?  Philosophers have offered lots of different opinions.  But this Sunday we’ll explore how Jesus answered those critical questions.

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Didn’t See That Coming

Once there was a man who felt called to do something really important in life.  He threw himself into it with passion and accomplished something great!  But then his life's work was destroyed.  What did he do next?  Join us on Sunday to find out -- and in the process, learn a very important lesson […]

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Magical Mystery Tour

Last week we talked a bit about finding God’s will in our lives.  This week we’ll take that conversation deeper, exploring a powerful spiritual principle embedded in an obscure Old Testament story.  Our attention was drawn to this story by a dream God gave to someone in our congregation.  For some reason, God wants us […]

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Pursuing Your Passion

This week we’ll wrap up our sermon series on Brené Brown’s book “The Gifts of Imperfection” by exploring Guidepost 9 for wholehearted living: cultivating meaningful work. . . . by letting go of self-doubt and “supposed to.”  How confident are you that you’re doing what you were meant to in life?  Join us on Sunday […]

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