
Hero or Villain?

Last we launched a new sermon series called “The Baddest People in the Bible,” recognizing that we can learn a lot from the mistakes of others.  There’s nothing like a powerful negative example to cause us to say, “I don’t want to be like that!”  The Bible character we study this week will surprise you […]

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How Good Is Good Enough?

What’s the difference between being religious and spiritual?  Being religious is often associated with rote rule-keeping.  Rules, rules, rules.  Being spiritual is completely different and so much more beautiful!  That’s what we’re going to explore this Sunday as we continue our sermon series about being salt and light in a hurting world.

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What’s Next?

After Jesus’ resurrection and before he ascended, his disciples wanted to know what was next.  Jesus gave them – and us – a simple two-part formula for how to live with GREAT POWER in the post-resurrection era.  Could you use a little more POWER for daily living?  Join us Sunday as we explore Jesus’ two-part […]

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