This Sunday we wrap up our sermon series called “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity” by exploring the Bible’s penultimate promise – the promise of life in heaven. What will be it be like? What will we do there? Who will be there? Join us for a thoughtful, inspiring time […]
Life is crazy, constantly knocking us around, full of melt down moments. Have you ever known somebody who seemed to float above it all? No matter what happened, their serenity was unperturbed. How did they do it? Because their life is anchored in certain great spiritual truths. What are those truths? And how can we internalize […]
Easter is not just about what happens to us when we die. It’s about how we live! This Sunday we’ll study John 20:19-25, which is one of the most overlooked, yet important resurrection stories in the Bible. Embedded within it is the secret for how to live with resurrection power. Join us for Easter, as […]
This Sunday we conclude our sermon series on the life of Mary by looking at the amazing, incredible, unforeseeable place Mary came to at the end of her life. Now, suddenly, so much that made no sense in her life finally did. And from this we learn another really important lesson for our lives.
As we continue our sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power,” this week we will look at a resurrection story that tells us how we can harness God’s power in our lives? The answer is going to surprise you. Don’t live an underpowered life! Join us Sunday, and let’s learn together!
The Bible says that all who believe in Jesus have access the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. But how do we make that real in our lives? On Sunday, we launch a four-week sermon series called Living With Resurrection Power! Don’t miss any Sunday in April as we explore four resurrection principles that could […]
Jesus’ resurrection is the most spectacular event in the history of time. This Sunday we’ll talk about the meaning of the resurrection and identify the secret ingredient that catalyzes resurrection power in our personal lives. Join us for our Easter Worship!
On Sunday we launch a new sermon series on the New Testament book of Second Corinthians. Second Corinthians is all about everyday challenges we face in life and faith, starting with the challenge posed by all of life’s hardship. When it feels like life is crushing us, how should we respond? That’s our subject this […]
This Sunday marks the beginning of Advent, the official start of the Christmas season. Christmas is supposed to be full of joy and celebration, but the truth is, even during the holidays, we all face obstacles that feel as heavy as the stone that sealed Jesus' grave. On Sunday, we'll reflect on how to navigate those obstacles.
This week we will conclude our “Encounters With Christ” sermon series by studying a resurrection appearance of Jesus that is often overlooked, yet offers profound insight for our everyday lives. If you ever find yourself feeling stuck, this Gospel story is for you.
Just two weeks left in our “Encounters With Christ” sermon series, as we now move into resurrection encounters. Sunday we’ll hear the testimony of the first person to witness Jesus resurrection and consider what we can learn from her.