
The Measure of a Life

The Sunday we’re going to discuss an amazing fact about the life of Jesus that you’ve probably never considered before.  Yet this single fact offers us incredible insight into what it means to live a full, vibrant life following in the footsteps of Jesus.  Are  you ready for a thought-provoking conversation?

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Last week we began a deep dive into Jesus’ most famous prayer – The Lord’s Prayer.  In that prayer, Jesus identifies THE FOUR MOST IMPORTANT THINGS we can ever pray.   Do you know what they are?  This week we’ll study two of those four critical prayers.  If you want to make the most of life, […]

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Hold Me Together

This Sunday we continue our new sermon series “From the Cradle to the Grave: Lessons from the Life of Mary.”  In this second installment, we’ll explore a POWERFULLY UPLIFTING LESSON we can learn from the incredibly difficult circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus.

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The Illusion of Permanence

This week we conclude our sermon series on the Parables of Jesus by studying a story Jesus told about his second coming – when it will be, how it will happen, and how we should live in light of that.  You’ll be surprised at how much practical wisdom this parable offers for how we should […]

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Meet Your Moments!

Join us for our Palm Sunday celebration, which marks the beginning of the most eventful week on the Christian calendar.  This Sunday we will study Luke’s account of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, drawing power life lessons from three key actors in the Palm Parade.

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Bitter Sweet

This week is Palm Sunday, marking the beginning of the most sacred week on the church calendar!  Sunday we will take a deep dive into the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  You’ll be surprised at the powerful lessons of faith and life embedded in this well-known story.

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Finding Meaning

Who am I?  Why am I here?  And what am I supposed to be doing with my life?  Philosophers have offered lots of different opinions.  But this Sunday we’ll explore how Jesus answered those critical questions.

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Is Life Meaningless?

Solomon, a great king, successful by all measures, looked back on his life and called it all meaningless.  We strive and reach for all kinds of things to find meaning in our lives, and no matter how far we go, we always want more.  Is there something more?  Some meaning, some light worth chasing?  Come, […]

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In the Moment

People often say, “God has a master plan, and you are part of that plan.  God has a plan for your life.”  And you think to yourself, “If there’s a plan for my life, I wish somebody would tell me what it is.”  If you’ve ever found yourself feeling that way, this Sunday’s sermon is […]

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Is There A Fifth Gospel?

For centuries, theologians knew there was once a book called “The Gospel of Thomas” that was lost in antiquity.  Then in 1945, two Egyptian farmers accidentally unearthed a jar containing 13 leather bound books, one of which contained the complete manuscript of Thomas!  It was a stunning discovery.  What should we make of this Gospel […]

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