This Sunday we wrap up our sermon series called “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity” by exploring the Bible’s penultimate promise – the promise of life in heaven. What will be it be like? What will we do there? Who will be there? Join us for a thoughtful, inspiring time […]
The Sunday we’ll dig deep into a famous Bible verse about God being the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the one who was, and is, and is to come. As we do so, we’ll wrestle with: (a) what it means to say that God exists outside of time, and (b) what it means […]
There is nothing more challenging in life than losing a loved one. The grief can be overwhelming. This Sunday we’ll conclude our sermon series on “Managing Our Moods” by exploring several profound spiritual principles that can help us pull through even the deepest grief.