Are people watching you? If so, what do they see? What does it really mean to “be a witness” in this world? How can we allow more of Jesus to shine through us? That’s what we’ll explore on Sunday, as we continue our study of the New Testament book of Second Corinthians.
You’ve heard the phrase thrown about a lot lately, but on Sunday we’re going to explore it from a very different angle. According to the Bible, every contact we have with someone else leaves an enduring trace on them and us – for better or worse. If we want to be Jesus’ hands and feet […]
Sometimes we encounter a person – or a faction of people – who do such bad things we can hardly keep ourselves from hating them, or at least burning with anger toward them. In those times, what should we do? Surely God doesn’t want us to just look the other way while they do bad […]
It's a powerful, primal, scary word that lies at the center of so much of what's wrong with our world -- and what can go wrong inside each of us. What is it about yourself that you "hate"? What is it about others that tempts you to lash out in a rage of venomous thoughts […]
On Sunday we’ll continue our New Year sermon series called “Getting Myself Together.” This Sunday we’ll reflect on the quality of our relationships with others (spouses, parents, children, siblings, friends and coworkers), benchmarking ourselves against four core relationship principles found in the Bible, considering where we have room to grow. If you value the relationships […]
What’s the key to maintaining a vibrant spiritual life? This Sunday we’ll explore a Gospel passage where Jesus boils it down to a couple bare essentials. Are you practicing those bare essentials? Find out on Sunday.
At both services on Sunday we will be celebrating the ordination of Pastor Vivian and she will be preaching from one of the most challenging passages in the New Testament – a passage that calls us to a deeper understanding of what it means to love the people around us.
The most important sermon ever will be preached on Sunday at LifeJourney Church – not because of who preaches it and not because of how its presented, but because it will be about Jesus’ secret formula for living abundant life. If you want to live your best life, join us on Sunday for the third installment in our sermon […]
On Sunday, we continue our new sermon series called “The Beauty Of Christ – Living In Me.” This week’s Gospel story seeks to awaken us to a secret healing power entrusted to each of us who follows Jesus. Do you know what that power is? Do you know how to use it? Join us on Sunday to […]
This week Pastor Jeff is going to share insights for how we can build beautiful lifetime relationships, drawing on the teachings of Genesis 2 and two recent best-selling books, “Wedding Toasts I’ll Never Give” (Ada Calhoun) and “The First Love Story” (Bruce Feiler). This may be the most important sermon you’ll ever hear about building […]
Do you know why grace is so amazing? It's more than a pretty name or the time the bank gives you when your mortgage is late. Join us on Sunday to find out why grace is the greatest blessing of all.
Did you know that at the very beginning of his public ministry, Jesus did something so controversial, the people of his own hometown almost threw him off a cliff? What did he do that was so provocative, and what does it teach us about what it means for us to be like him? Join us […]