
Who’s Your Posse?

Do  you have a posse?  In other words, are you part of a group of people who hang together and look out for each other?  Did you know that Jesus taught that each of us should have a posse?  Join us on Sunday as we discover who we should be hanging with and standing together […]

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On Earth, As In Heaven

This Sunday is World Missions Day at LifeJourney! During the sermon, you’ll hear exciting information about how our church is having a big impact both globally and locally. After both worship services, the Social Hall will be full of displays, information booths, arts and crafts for the children, and samplings of international foods.  The Bible […]

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Why Does God Allow The Poor To Suffer?

Have you ever wondered about that?  As we continue in our sermon series on Psalms, this Sunday we’re going to delve into a song (i.e., psalm) that describes the suffering of the poor.  As we do so, we’ll grapple with the meaning of the Hebrew term for “poor” (hint: it’s not what you think), how […]

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The Wonder Of It All

We are surrounded by the dazzling wonder of God’s creation.  Everywhere we look, we see amazing beauty and complexity.  No wonder the Bible says that “God so loved the world. . . .” John 3:16.  But what are the implications of all this for us humans?  As the highest and most powerful creatures in God’s […]

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The Bible contains a lot of prophecies about the future that have given rise to various theories about what the future holds.  Have you ever wondered what you should believe about “end times”?  Clearly earth is a mess, but where’s it all headed?  Will it eventually end?  If so, when and how?  This Sunday we […]

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Look Out World, Here We Come!

There is so much about modern Christianity that feels wrong.  We have wandered far from Jesus.  But God’s Spirit is stirring and creating change, and we get to be part of that!  In preparation for our Annual Congregational Meeting next week, this Sunday Pastor Jeff will share a rousing vision of what God is calling […]

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