
This week’s sermon title kinda says it all.  This Sunday we will discuss one key thought – one core Biblical idea – that has the power to destroy toxic thinking and replace it with life-giving Christ-like perspectives.  If you want to live into the fullness of all God meant you to be, join us on […]

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Get Out Of Your Head!

This Sunday we will launch a new sermon series based on a New York Times bestseller called, “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.”  It’s written by Christian author, Jennie Allen, from a biblical perspective.  Guided by the scriptures and Allen’s insights, we're going to explore toxic thinking and how to […]

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Lots of things happen in life and, over time, they tend to pile up.  We end up feeling sad, stressed, defeated, and deprived.  Why does life have to be like this?  This week we’ll study a Gospel passage that teaches us what to do when we feel that way.  It’s a passage that reminds us […]

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Your Secret Superpower

Did you know that you have a Secret Superpower?  Do you know what it is?  Are you actively using it?  These are the questions we’ll explore on Sunday, as we continue our sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power!” Don’t live an underpowered life!  Let’s learn together!

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When Never Meets Now

Last Sunday we began a new sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power!” Each week for four weeks we are exploring a different spiritual principle that’s critical to our ability to live with resurrection power.  This week we’ll explore Principle No. 2.  Don’t live an underpowered life!  Let’s learn these principles and apply them!

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Get Out of Your Own Way

This Sunday we begin a new sermon series called “Songs of Our Heart.”  In this series, we’ll study the songs sung by our ancestors in faith in the Old Testament book of Psalms and discover that their hopes, dreams, fears, and anxieties are very similar to ours.  From them, we will learn how to better […]

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The Power of Negative Thinking

You’ve heard about the “the power of positive thinking.”  There’s a lot of truth in that.  But the reverse is also true.  Negative thinking can be just as powerful in destructive ways.  This week we’ll explore a passage in Second Corinthians that offers insights into how we can overcome the power of negative thinking.  None […]

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The Wrath To Come

As we wrap up our intensive study of I Thessalonians chapter 1, this week we will focus on a verse that talks about “the wrath to come” and how Jesus will rescue us from it.  What is this “wrath to come,” when will it happen, and exactly how will Jesus rescue us from it?  Join […]

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Waiting For What?

Let’s face it, life is full of waiting – so much so, we can’t live well until we learn to wait well.  So, on Sunday we’re going to take a look at how our ancestors in the faith waited patiently for the coming of the Messiah and ask what we can learn from them about […]

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Christmas Vision

On Sunday Pastor Jeff will begin a Christmas sermon series.  We’ll start by exploring the historical meaning of one of the great Christmas prophecies, and in the process learn a very powerful lesson for our lives today.  Get ready to experience a Christmas vision!

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Where in your life are you experiencing scarcity?  How would you finish this sentence, “I don’t have enough _______.”  Not enough time?  Not enough money?  Not enough love?  Not enough patience?  This Sunday we’ll examine an epic Bible story that shows us how to transform scarcity into sufficiency.

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