
Who’s Your Posse?

Do  you have a posse?  In other words, are you part of a group of people who hang together and look out for each other?  Did you know that Jesus taught that each of us should have a posse?  Join us on Sunday as we discover who we should be hanging with and standing together […]

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On Earth, As In Heaven

This Sunday is World Missions Day at LifeJourney! During the sermon, you’ll hear exciting information about how our church is having a big impact both globally and locally. After both worship services, the Social Hall will be full of displays, information booths, arts and crafts for the children, and samplings of international foods.  The Bible […]

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The Burden of Wealth

When you were a kid, what did “rich” mean to you?  Do  you consider yourself rich?  By any objective measure, compared to the rest of the world, most of us are in the top 10% of wealth in the world.  This Sunday we’ll take a look at God’s passion for the poor and explore how […]

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Why Does God Allow The Poor To Suffer?

Have you ever wondered about that?  As we continue in our sermon series on Psalms, this Sunday we’re going to delve into a song (i.e., psalm) that describes the suffering of the poor.  As we do so, we’ll grapple with the meaning of the Hebrew term for “poor” (hint: it’s not what you think), how […]

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Living Large

Deep in their belly, ships have flood walls.  If a ship springs a leak, doors can be closed that contain the flood waters to a compartment, minimizing damage.  Often we live our faith like that – compartmentalizing our lives, letting God into certain areas, but not others.  This Sunday we’ll explore an example of what […]

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Master Your Money

Did you know that there’s an Old Testament book that appears in the Bible of half the world’s Christians that was written by someone named Jesus?  (Not the Jesus we know, but a great teacher who shared the same name and lived 200 years before our Jesus.)  This Sunday we’ll study that ancient book, taking special note […]

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Clash Of Kingdoms

This Sunday we launch a new sermon series leading up to Easter called “Journey To The Cross.”  Each week we’ll study a different Gospel passage that offers important clues as to why Jesus was killed – then consider the implications for how we should live our lives today as followers of Jesus.  Join us for […]

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In October of 2016, nine members of our church spent an incredible week in Panajachel, Guatemala, building restrooms for elementary school children, making friends, and learning so much!  Come hear about that experience, celebrate what your generosity has accomplished, and learn about more opportunities to do good work with the church around the world.

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Fear That There Won’t Be Enough

Will there be enough time tomorrow to get everything done?  Will there be enough money to pay the bills – and eventually retire?  Do you have enough talent to succeed, or enough personality to be popular?  Everywhere we turn in life, we face the temptation to worry that there won’t be enough.  This Sunday we’ll […]

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The Power of Joy

This Sunday we resume our sermon series called “If we knew now what they knew then . . . , 7 Steps to living with spiritual power!”  We’ll look to the example of the Macedonian Christians to learn how we can harness more of the transformative power of joy in our lives.  Start off the […]

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