
Why The World Needs Us!

This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series entitled “Called Together,” as we continue exploring various questions about what it means to be church together.   We’ve already explored why you need us, and why we need you.  Now this week we’ll explore why the world needs us.  Given the way many churches are these days, […]

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What It Means To Be Church

This Sunday we celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the founding of our church!  Everyone is invited to our All-Church Picnic that will take place after the 11:00 o’clock worship service – bring a dish to share.  We’ll also be baptizing, inducting new members, and awarding anniversary membership pins during both worship services.  Sunday’s sermon will remind […]

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The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail

This Sunday we’ll celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the founding of our church!  Jeff’s sermon will delve into the sorry state of the church in the world today and what we at LifeJourney are called to be and do about it.  You’ll hear some examples of how God is using our church – at home and […]

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We’ve Only Just Begun

On Sunday we’ll celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the founding of our church by asking: Why did God raise up a church like ours and what great things are next for us?  To guide our thoughts, we’ll explore three epic moments in Jesus’ life where he made clear what his churches should be like.  Let’s […]

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Look Out World, Here We Come!

There is so much about modern Christianity that feels wrong.  We have wandered far from Jesus.  But God’s Spirit is stirring and creating change, and we get to be part of that!  In preparation for our Annual Congregational Meeting next week, this Sunday Pastor Jeff will share a rousing vision of what God is calling […]

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Most of us long to feel close to God.  But do you know when and how we’re most likely to encounter God in powerful, deep, mystical ways?  That’s what we’re going to talk about on Sunday.  If you want to grow the depth of your connection to God, this sermon is for you.

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What is it?  Do you have it?  Is it contagious?  No, actually it’s a good thing – a really WONDERFUL thing.  And it’s critical to the quality of your spiritual life.  Join us this Sunday to find out if you’ve got it!

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Living the Dream

What’s the key to maintaining a vibrant spiritual life?  This Sunday we’ll explore a Gospel passage where Jesus boils it down to a couple bare essentials.  Are you practicing those bare essentials?  Find out on Sunday. 

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Past, Present, and Future

This Sunday we mark the 25th Anniversary of LifeJourney Church – celebrating (in word and song) all that God has done in, and through, us – and reminding ourselves of the purpose for which God has raised up a church like ours.  Don’t miss this awesome Sunday of celebration that comes only once every 25 […]

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