This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series entitled “Called Together,” as we continue exploring various questions about what it means to be church together. We’ve already explored why you need us, and why we need you. Now this week we’ll explore why the world needs us. Given the way many churches are these days, […]
The fourth character in our study of “The Baddest People in the Bible” is Judas Iscariot. Have you ever wondered what drove Judas to betray Jesus? Spoiler Alert: it wasn’t just about 30 pieces of silver. Judas’ motivation ran much deeper. Uncovering his motive will reveal a profoundly important life lesson for each of us.
Nothing challenges our serenity – and sanity – quite like human conflict. You know the feeling. Someone does something really rotten and anger burns inside us, disrupting body, mind, and soul. This week we’ll study a Gospel passage where Jesus tells us how we can put out the fire in our soul and regain our […]
Jesus had a dream – a dream about what churches in his movement would look like. Do you know where his dream is found in the Bible and what it entails? This Sunday we’ll explore Jesus’ dream and grapple with whether we have the courage to fully live into it, step by step, collectively together. […]
Again and again the Bible tells us to forgive. We tend to think forgiving is for the benefit of the offending person and find ourselves thinking, “Why should I let them off the hook? They’re not even sorry.” Actually, forgiving is not about the offender. It’s about our own quality of life and our impact […]
Some of us grew up in religious circles that were harsh and judgmental – good riddance. Having seen how ugly that is, we could easily go to the opposite extreme – anything goes. But that has its own problems. So how does a New Testament believer living in an age of grace find the right […]
It's a powerful, primal, scary word that lies at the center of so much of what's wrong with our world -- and what can go wrong inside each of us. What is it about yourself that you "hate"? What is it about others that tempts you to lash out in a rage of venomous thoughts […]
Have you ever found yourself on the receiving end of karma's bad side? Did you wonder if there was a way out? Did you cry out "What did I do to deserve this!"? This week's story from the book of Genesis will introduce the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping. We’ll explore the long-reaching effects […]