
The Gift

Why did Jesus start this thing called “the church”?  Is the church actually doing what it’s supposed to?  And how do we as individuals fit into it all?  Those are some of the questions we’ll explore this Sunday, as we celebrate our church’s 28th Anniversary!  Come and be inspired!

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Pursuing Your Passion

This week we’ll wrap up our sermon series on Brené Brown’s book “The Gifts of Imperfection” by exploring Guidepost 9 for wholehearted living: cultivating meaningful work. . . . by letting go of self-doubt and “supposed to.”  How confident are you that you’re doing what you were meant to in life?  Join us on Sunday […]

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Living A Life Of Significance

Do you ever feel like you’re afloat – like your life needs more clarity and focus?  This Sunday we’ll look at two of the strangest statements Jesus ever made.  And in them, we’ll find amazing wisdom to guide our life. Note:  Two video clips are referenced in the sermon that cannot be shown directly in […]

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