
Why The World Needs Us!

This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series entitled “Called Together,” as we continue exploring various questions about what it means to be church together.   We’ve already explored why you need us, and why we need you.  Now this week we’ll explore why the world needs us.  Given the way many churches are these days, […]

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Significance – Why We Need You!

We’re in the midst of a sermon series entitled “Called Together,” looking at our life together in spiritual community from several different angles.  Last Sunday we talked about why you need us.  This week we’ll talk about why we need you.  Did you know that, according to the Bible, you have several spiritual superpowers that […]

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Together — Why People Need People

On Sunday Pastor Jeff will launch a new sermon series about the vital importance of living in community, especially spiritual community.  What are the benefits?  What are the drawbacks?  Why did Jesus place so much emphasis on this?  In short, why is community so critical to my personal wellbeing?

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Village People

This Sunday we’ll continue our sermon series exploring Biblical principles that empower us to conquer toxic thoughts and distorted thinking.  Our series is based on Jennie Allen’s New York Times bestselling book “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.” This week we’ll focus on a second critical Biblical truth that can […]

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This Is Us

This Sunday we’ll look at a parable that reflects the deepest passion of Jesus’ heart, and consider what it would mean for us to reflect that same passion, as individuals and as a church.  If you’ve been thinking of inviting someone to church, this would be a great Sunday for them to get acquainted with […]

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The Gift

Why did Jesus start this thing called “the church”?  Is the church actually doing what it’s supposed to?  And how do we as individuals fit into it all?  Those are some of the questions we’ll explore this Sunday, as we celebrate our church’s 28th Anniversary!  Come and be inspired!

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What is it?  Do you have it?  Is it contagious?  No, actually it’s a good thing – a really WONDERFUL thing.  And it’s critical to the quality of your spiritual life.  Join us this Sunday to find out if you’ve got it!

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Living the Dream

What’s the key to maintaining a vibrant spiritual life?  This Sunday we’ll explore a Gospel passage where Jesus boils it down to a couple bare essentials.  Are you practicing those bare essentials?  Find out on Sunday. 

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The Generative Power Of Sacrificial Living

Life constantly confronts us with difficult choices.  What’s best for me versus what’s best for others.  What I want versus what you want.  Immediate gratification versus deferred gratification.  On Sunday we’ll learn a wonderful life-giving principle that can help us when facing difficult choices.  This will be the fourth installment in our sermon series called […]

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Destiny’s Child

Did you know that God has endowed you with a certain spiritual genius that you are meant to share with the world?  Do you know how to unleash that potential?  Join us on Sunday as we study a passage that tells us how – Ephesians 4.

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