On Sunday Pastor Jeff will launch a new sermon series about the vital importance of living in community, especially spiritual community. What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? Why did Jesus place so much emphasis on this? In short, why is community so critical to my personal wellbeing?
The Bible speaks loftily about a “peace that surpasses understanding.” Sounds great! We all want it! But how do we get it? That will be our focus on Sunday as we continue our sermon series entitled, “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity.”
This Sunday we launch a new sermon series entitled, “Life’s Three Greatest Temptations . . . according to the Bible.” Spoiler alert. They’re not what you think! This Sunday we’ll dive into the first of those three great temptations. Join us for a series that will challenge us to think deeply about the forces that most […]
In our sermon series on “New Life in Christ,” we’ve talked about what Jesus meant when he said “you must be born again” and we’ve talked about the role that grace and faith play in that spiritual birthing process. Now this Sunday we’re ready to discuss what comes next. Once I’ve been spiritually reborn, what […]
On Sunday Pastor Jeff will share the first of four January sermons on the theme of "Taking My Life to the Next Level." We'll begin this week by exploring how we can take our spiritual life to the next level. Each of us will be invited to consider, "How am I doing spiritually?" and, "What […]
This Sunday we’ll look at a Biblical quarantine story and ask what great lessons we can learn from that experience for what we’re facing today. Believe it or not, something really good could come out of this time of social distancing and sheltering at home. Supplement Sermon Links: Examples of “Habits of Grace” https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/review/habits-of-grace-enjoying-jesus-through-the-spiritual-disciplines/ https://spiritualfitclub.com/spiritual-activities-self-care-begin-today/ https://sumaiyawood.com/kick-start-your-daily-spiritual-practice/