
You’ve probably heard the phrase “spiritual warfare.”  And you’ve heard about evil spirits, fallen angels, and demons.  What should thoughtful people of faith believe about such things?  Sunday’s scripture story from the book of Daniel will challenge us to wrestle with these questions, and Pastor Jeff will share how he makes sense of it all.

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How Will God Judge Me?

It’s one of our greatest anxieties.  When I stand before God, how will I be evaluated?  Even right now as God looks down on my life, how does God feel about how I’m doing?  This Sunday Pastor Jeff will invite us to explore three Bible verses that are critical to understanding how God evaluates us.  […]

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How Does God Judge Me?

We all have weaknesses – areas in life where we really struggle.  How does God judge us in those areas?  This Sunday we’ll look at a story where Jesus tackles that question.  What he says will probably surprise you – and offer great hope!

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