
Your Brain on Gratitude

You’ve heard it all before – in the Bible, in articles, and in news stories: an attitude of gratitude is critical to our wellbeing even when we think there’s not much to be grateful for.  But why?  Why is gratitude so important, and how can we get better at it?  We’ll explore those questions this […]

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Did you eat your fill on Thanksgiving -- and then some?  This Sunday we will examine the Gospel passage where Jesus fed 5,000.  The text tells us that the people ate their fill, with leftovers to boot.  We'll compare Jesus' attitude toward the hungry crowds to the attitude of his disciples and, in the process, learn important […]

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Lots of things happen in life and, over time, they tend to pile up.  We end up feeling sad, stressed, defeated, and deprived.  Why does life have to be like this?  This week we’ll study a Gospel passage that teaches us what to do when we feel that way.  It’s a passage that reminds us […]

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Broken Hallelujah

What are you thankful for?  As we move into this Thanksgiving Season, it’s time for each of us to ponder that question.  This week’s Scripture passage – Psalm 16 – is going to challenge us to celebrate the goodness of God in three very unlikely places in our life.  Join us Sunday to tune your […]

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Are You the One?

This Sunday we'll get a special treat. Pastor Vivian will be preaching! She will wrap up our Thanksgiving sermon series by walking us through a Gospel passage that conveys powerful lessons about both faith and gratitude.

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Free Falling

As we move toward Thanksgiving, we’ll continue to explore how we can grow our sense of gratitude.  This week we’ll study the amazing spiritual and scientific connection between gratitude and generosity – and how these two impulses can powerfully reinforce each other.  Learn something important!

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A Transformational Way To See Life

As we move toward Thanksgiving, we’ll spend the next few weeks exploring how we can grow our sense of gratitude.  This week we’ll study a single Bible verse that has the power to completely change how you see life, but you’ve probably never heard before.  Learn something new!

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