
Join us for Pride Weekend Worship!  During the sermon time on Sunday, some of our trans congregants will share their personal experiences and other important information.  Taking time to understand those whose life experiences differ from ours is a critical part of what Jesus meant when he said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Let’s practice […]

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Lots of things happen in life and, over time, they tend to pile up.  We end up feeling sad, stressed, defeated, and deprived.  Why does life have to be like this?  This week we’ll study a Gospel passage that teaches us what to do when we feel that way.  It’s a passage that reminds us […]

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On Earth, As In Heaven

This Sunday is World Missions Day at LifeJourney! During the sermon, you’ll hear exciting information about how our church is having a big impact both globally and locally. After both worship services, the Social Hall will be full of displays, information booths, arts and crafts for the children, and samplings of international foods.  The Bible […]

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What It Means To Be Church

This Sunday we celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the founding of our church!  Everyone is invited to our All-Church Picnic that will take place after the 11:00 o’clock worship service – bring a dish to share.  We’ll also be baptizing, inducting new members, and awarding anniversary membership pins during both worship services.  Sunday’s sermon will remind […]

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Responding to Anti-Trans Hate: WWJD?

This Sunday, for the second installment in our sermon series called “The Bible & Justice: What Love Looks Like in Public,” we will be challenged to think deeply about what Jesus would want us to do – individually and as a congregation – to respond to the huge surge in hate being directed at transgender […]

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Your Secret Superpower

Did you know that you have a Secret Superpower?  Do you know what it is?  Are you actively using it?  These are the questions we’ll explore on Sunday, as we continue our sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power!” Don’t live an underpowered life!  Let’s learn together!

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Lots of Christians are convinced LGBTQ people have no place in the church and will have no place in heaven, because that’s what they’ve always been taught.  This Sunday we’ll study a passage of Scripture that powerfully rebuts that negative perspective, as we mark Gay Pride weekend in Indianapolis.  Come on out and celebrate God’s […]

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I Hear You

Last week we talked about how “loving our neighbor as ourselves” requires a willingness to listen deeply, especially when our neighbor’s life experience differs from our own.  This week we’ll get a chance to practice that.  Pastor Jeff will do an interview sermon with Jamie Burier.  He and his wife are fairly new to LifeJourney.  Jamie […]

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Holiness – A Queer Concept

This Sunday we will be celebrating LBGTQ Pride at LifeJourney!  The sermon will focus on a core teaching of Jesus that’s critical to understanding what He came to teach us and why God affirms same-sex relationships.

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Unsung Heroes

On Sunday, we will host Indy’s official 2018 Pride Worship Service!  Technically, the 9:30 am service is the “official” Pride Service.  However, both worship services – 9:30 and 11:00 am – will feature the Indianapolis Men’s Chorus, as well as our own choir.  Pastor Jeff’s sermon in both services will be on the theme of “ Unsung Heroes.”  Joins […]

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Win the Lottery! Build your dream house! Find a hobby! Get a career that you love! Get a pet! Find your Soul Mate! Take a dream vacation! Yeah… RIGHT! So many parts of life have that “QUICK FIX” feeling to finally find that happiness we seek. Except, someone forgot to tell us that they are […]

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