We’re in the midst of a sermon series entitled “Called Together,” looking at our life together in spiritual community from several different angles. Last Sunday we talked about why you need us. This week we’ll talk about why we need you. Did you know that, according to the Bible, you have several spiritual superpowers that […]
On Sunday Pastor Jeff will launch a new sermon series about the vital importance of living in community, especially spiritual community. What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? Why did Jesus place so much emphasis on this? In short, why is community so critical to my personal wellbeing?
Join us for our Palm Sunday celebration, which marks the beginning of the most eventful week on the Christian calendar. This Sunday we will study Luke’s account of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, drawing power life lessons from three key actors in the Palm Parade.
Why did Jesus start this thing called “the church”? Is the church actually doing what it’s supposed to? And how do we as individuals fit into it all? Those are some of the questions we’ll explore this Sunday, as we celebrate our church’s 28th Anniversary! Come and be inspired!