
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Infinite Empathy

Each Sunday in December we're talking about the incredible gift of Jesus in our lives, guided by Isaiah's famous four-part Christmas prophecy.  This coming Sunday we'll explore the daring claim that Jesus was "God with us" -- and why that matters in our everyday lives.  Our special music this week will be presented by Soul-to-Soul, a neo […]

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Unto Us a Child Is Born

This Sunday Pastor Jeff begins a four-week series based on a famous Christmas prophecy found in Isaiah 9:6.  There Isaiah identifies four amazing ways the gift of Jesus can lift and transform our lives.  This week we’ll unwrap and explore the first incredible gift.  It’s something you really need, but might not ever think to […]

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Who Will Roll The Stone Away?

This Sunday marks the beginning of Advent, the official start of the Christmas season.  Christmas is supposed to be full of joy and celebration, but the truth is, even during the holidays, we all face obstacles that feel as heavy as the stone that sealed Jesus' grave. On Sunday, we'll reflect on how to navigate those obstacles.

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When I Feel Stuck

This week we will conclude our “Encounters With Christ” sermon series by studying a resurrection appearance of Jesus that is often overlooked, yet offers profound insight for our everyday lives.  If you ever find yourself feeling stuck, this Gospel story is for you.

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The Witness

Just two weeks left in our “Encounters With Christ” sermon series, as we now move into resurrection encounters.  Sunday we’ll hear the testimony of the first person to witness Jesus resurrection and consider what we can learn from her.

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Lost In The Story

Pastor Jeff's COVID isolation period is over, he's feeling great, and will be preaching on Sunday, as we begin to wind down our sermon series on Encounters With Christ.  This week we'll learn something powerful from two nameless people who encountered Jesus on the cross.

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Existential Questions

To be human is to have questions – deep existential questions about life and its meaning.  This Sunday we’ll look at Jesus’ dramatic encounter with Pontius Pilate and explore three great questions Pilate asked Jesus at his trial.

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Who Am I? – according to Jesus

How do you see yourself?  What’s your core identity and how does that affect how you move through the world?  Those are the questions we’ll grapple with this Sunday as explore one of the most famous and surprising encounters with Jesus in the Gospel of John.

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Cautious & Careful

Are you careful or bold? Are you cautious or spontaneous? Are you a saver or a spender? And does it even matter? Does God care? On Sunday we’ll explore another dramatic encounter with Jesus that raises all those questions and suggests some rather provocative answers.

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Do you like surprises?  If not, you won’t much like life because life is full of them.  This Sunday we’ll look at someone who had a surprising encounter with Jesus and, in the process, learned a critical life lesson.

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Caught In The Very Act

Those are some of the worst words in the English language.  You know the feeling.  You got caught or you catch somebody “in the very act.”  You have them dead to rights, or they’ve got you dead to rights.  What now?  What happens next is CRITICAL to both the offender and the offended.  That’s what […]

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