
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Learning To Pray

Father James Martin has written a New York Times Best Selling book called Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone.  It’s getting rave reviews!  This Sunday Pastor Jeff will begin a new sermon series based on Father James’ book.  Whether you’re a beginner or have been praying (or trying to pray) for years, you’ll get something powerful from […]

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Join us this Sunday – by reservation or livestream – for a rousing Easter celebration!  In Sunday’s sermon, we’ll grapple with a passage that’s meant to teach us how to make Resurrection Power a reality in our everyday life, so that the Easter story continues to reverberate in and through us.

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Bitter Sweet

This week is Palm Sunday, marking the beginning of the most sacred week on the church calendar!  Sunday we will take a deep dive into the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  You’ll be surprised at the powerful lessons of faith and life embedded in this well-known story.

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When I Grieve A Great Loss

There is nothing more challenging in life than losing a loved one.  The grief can be overwhelming.  This Sunday we’ll conclude our sermon series on “Managing Our Moods” by exploring several profound spiritual principles that can help us pull through even the deepest grief.

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When Fear Wells Up Inside Me

How much power does fear have over you?  Sometimes fear can be a good thing that inspires us to take appropriate precautions.  But too often we allow fear to constrict our lives.  God calls us to be bold, step out of our comfort zone, take some risks, and embrace the adventure of life.  This Sunday […]

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When I Feel Like A Failure

Do you ever say to yourself:  What’s wrong with me?  Why do I always do that?  When will I ever learn?  I’m not good enough!  I don’t deserve to be a child of God!  And the list goes on and on.  Sometimes we feel like a failure and the pain is profound.  I wonder what […]

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The Gift Of Anger

That title may surprise you.  Most of us have been taught that anger is a sin that should be denied and suppressed, but actually the Bible offers us a much healthier way of understanding and managing our anger.  Join us on Sunday for a revolutionary look at how God can use anger to make our […]

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Look Out World, Here We Come!

There is so much about modern Christianity that feels wrong.  We have wandered far from Jesus.  But God’s Spirit is stirring and creating change, and we get to be part of that!  In preparation for our Annual Congregational Meeting next week, this Sunday Pastor Jeff will share a rousing vision of what God is calling […]

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When I Feel Isolated and Alone

Every single one of us is bound to face seasons of loneliness in life. A million things can disrupt our circles of belonging, including conflict, divorce, a geographic move, illness, a pandemic, the loss of a loved one, or problems we hold inside. This week we’ll explore two powerful ways we can respond when we […]

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When I Feel Overwhelmed and Powerless

Everywhere we look around us, we face forces that feel far more powerful than us.  The demands of everyday life – especially during this time of COVID – are overwhelming.  This Sunday we’ll talk about the single best way to respond when we feel tempted to despair, as we launch a new sermon series called “Managing Our […]

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The Wrath To Come

As we wrap up our intensive study of I Thessalonians chapter 1, this week we will focus on a verse that talks about “the wrath to come” and how Jesus will rescue us from it.  What is this “wrath to come,” when will it happen, and exactly how will Jesus rescue us from it?  Join […]

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Let God Be God

Do you have any control issues?  Do you ever find yourself frustrated because things happen that you don’t understand?  Do you wish God was more responsive to your wants and needs?  If so, Sunday’s sermon is for you.  In it we’ll explore how to find a place of peace and surrender in life, as we […]

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