
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Financial Peace

Got any financial stress?  Ever wonder why you work hard, earn a paycheck, but there never seems to be enough?  Are finances a source of frustration in your life?  This Sunday we continue our sermon series called “Getting Myself Together” by take a look at four bedrock Biblical principles that can help us find financial […]

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Building Stronger Relationships

On Sunday we’ll continue our New Year sermon series called “Getting Myself Together.”  This Sunday we’ll reflect on the quality of our relationships with others (spouses, parents, children, siblings, friends and coworkers), benchmarking ourselves against four core relationship principles found in the Bible, considering where we have room to grow.  If you value the relationships […]

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Designing Women – and Men

Does your life feel like it’s a bit out of control?  Do you struggle with things like relationships, finances, body care, mental blocks, and lack of spiritual focus?  Does it seem like you’re constantly reacting to circumstances, rather than shaping them?  This Sunday we’ll explore a practical way to take charge of our lives that […]

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Happy New Year

This Sunday we launch into a New Year’s sermon series called “Getting Myself Together.”  In this series, we’ll explore a whole variety of practical issues like relationships, finances, body care, mental blocks, and spiritual malnutrition.  On Sunday, we’ll begin by looking inside ourselves and asking how we’re doing and reminding ourselves how to find core […]

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The Joy of Giving

On Sunday we will continue digging deeper into the meaning of the Biblical Christmas story, exploring where the tradition of Christmas gift-giving comes from – and how that’s meant to ripple through our lives.  Join us in this holy season, as we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ child.

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Christmas In Shades of Blue

This Sunday Pastor Jeff will launch a December sermon series that invites us to dig deeper into the meaning of the biblical Christmas story.  We’ll get started this week by looking at all the pathos implicit in the Christmas story, asking what we can learn from how Mary and Jesus responded.

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Giants In the Land

This Sunday we’ll look at another famous Old Testament story – Joshua and Caleb spying out the Land of Promise – and learn something absolutely critical for living powerful, positive lives.

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The Spirit That Oppresses You

What’s the greatest weakness or obstacle you face in your life right now?  Maybe it seems invincible.  This Sunday we’ll study a story where our ancestors in the faith faced an invincible foe, yet prevailed.  The same principles that worked for them then will work for us now.

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The Champion Within

How do you see yourself?  Strong, mighty, capable, precious, and valuable?  Or weak, limited, unwanted, and unimportant?  This Sunday, as we move out of the book of Genesis and into Exodus, we’ll study a story that challenges us to see ourselves more as God does.  You’ll be amazed at what God sees in you!  Join […]

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