
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Christmas In Shades of Blue

This Sunday Pastor Jeff will launch a December sermon series that invites us to dig deeper into the meaning of the biblical Christmas story.  We’ll get started this week by looking at all the pathos implicit in the Christmas story, asking what we can learn from how Mary and Jesus responded.

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Giants In the Land

This Sunday we’ll look at another famous Old Testament story – Joshua and Caleb spying out the Land of Promise – and learn something absolutely critical for living powerful, positive lives.

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The Spirit That Oppresses You

What’s the greatest weakness or obstacle you face in your life right now?  Maybe it seems invincible.  This Sunday we’ll study a story where our ancestors in the faith faced an invincible foe, yet prevailed.  The same principles that worked for them then will work for us now.

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The Champion Within

How do you see yourself?  Strong, mighty, capable, precious, and valuable?  Or weak, limited, unwanted, and unimportant?  This Sunday, as we move out of the book of Genesis and into Exodus, we’ll study a story that challenges us to see ourselves more as God does.  You’ll be amazed at what God sees in you!  Join […]

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Punished By, Not For, Our Sins

Have you ever found yourself on the receiving end of karma's bad side?  Did you wonder if there was a way out?  Did you cry out "What did I do to deserve this!"?  This week's story from the book of Genesis will introduce the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping.  We’ll explore the long-reaching effects […]

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Life is constantly testing us, confronting us with all kinds of disorienting experiences.  How we respond in those moments, moment by moment, gradually makes us who we are, for better or worse.  This Sunday we'll look at a story from Genesis that offers insight into how we can become much better at responding in the […]

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Crazy & Laughable

Have you ever found yourself in a place where if felt like God might be calling you to do something a little crazy, and you weren’t sure how to respond?  This week’s Bible story will offer us insights into situations like that, as we continue exploring epic stories in the book of Genesis.

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Wounded Healers

For the past four weeks, we’ve explored the impact of the fall of humanity through stories of brokenness found early in the book of Genesis.  On Sunday, before leaving the theme of brokenness, we’re going to learn about the ultimate antidote to all that brokenness, as revealed to us by Jesus himself.  Come to church […]

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When the Flood Comes

There came a time in the life of Noah and his family when they lost everyone and everything to a great flood.  How did they manage to survive and eventually thrive once again?  That’s the question we’ll explore this Sunday, as we seek insights for how to respond to great tragedy in our own life.  […]

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Broken World, Broken Politics

Are you tempted to despair at the state of political affairs in our nation?  At one time or another, every single one of us is bound to feel that way.  So what should we do?  In Bible times, our ancestors in faith faced political challenges beyond our wildest imagination.  This Sunday we’ll look to their […]

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