
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Baby, You We’re Born This Way

Pastor Jeff continues a 3-part sermon series that explores what the Bible says about LGBTQ people. This Sunday (part 2), we’ll dig deep into an obscure New Testament passage – often overlooked – and discover one of the Bible’s most powerful affirmations of LGBTQ people. If you know someone who needs to hear this, share […]

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Pastor Jeff begins a 3-part sermon series that explores what the Bible says to LGBT people, based on a book co-authored by him that is changing lives around the globe. We’ll begin with Moses’ oft-quoted statement about “men lying with men,” dig deep into that passage, and in the process gain some surprising insights – […]

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Unsung Heroes

On Sunday, we will host Indy’s official 2018 Pride Worship Service!  Technically, the 9:30 am service is the “official” Pride Service.  However, both worship services – 9:30 and 11:00 am – will feature the Indianapolis Men’s Chorus, as well as our own choir.  Pastor Jeff’s sermon in both services will be on the theme of “ Unsung Heroes.”  Joins […]

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Child, You Are Mine

Have you ever thought about how your formative experiences with your parents affect how you relate to God in the here and now? This Sunday, we’ll think deeply about that question. We’ll explore a prominent model for how parenting shapes our way of relating to those around us, including God – then compare that model to […]

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The Two Angels Within You

Did you know that many early Christians believed that there are two angels within each of us?  Do you know who those angels are and what they’re up to?  Do you know how to harness their power for good?  Join us on Sunday as we study an ancient book called “The Shepherd of Hermas” that circulated widely […]

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Faith of Our Mothers

Bring your Mom to church on Sunday so we can honor and celebrate her!  As part of that celebration, we’ll study the story of an early Christian woman who lived so heroically, she was celebrated in a book that circulated widely in early Christian churches – a book called “The Acts of Paul and Thecla.”  This is […]

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Is There A Fifth Gospel?

For centuries, theologians knew there was once a book called “The Gospel of Thomas” that was lost in antiquity.  Then in 1945, two Egyptian farmers accidentally unearthed a jar containing 13 leather bound books, one of which contained the complete manuscript of Thomas!  It was a stunning discovery.  What should we make of this Gospel […]

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Master Your Money

Did you know that there’s an Old Testament book that appears in the Bible of half the world’s Christians that was written by someone named Jesus?  (Not the Jesus we know, but a great teacher who shared the same name and lived 200 years before our Jesus.)  This Sunday we’ll study that ancient book, taking special note […]

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When Good Angels Go Bad

There’s a book that’s part of the Bible used by 50 million Ethiopian Orthodox Christians that isn’t in our Bible.  It’s a book that greatly influenced the New Testament and is often referenced by the early Church Fathers.  And it has a powerful, practical message for us today.  Yet you’ve probably never heard of it.  […]

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Drawing A Line

LifeJourney begins a series unlike any before at LifeJourney. For the next six weeks, we’re going to explore “Lost Books of the Bible.” Each week we’ll take a different disputed book, learn its history, see what it has to say, then judge for ourselves whether God is speaking to us through it. This Sunday we […]

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How To Rise With Christ

The Easter miracle was not meant to be a one-time occurrence.  The same power that raised Jesus from the dead was replicated in the lives of Jesus’ original disciples – and can still be replicated in us.  This Sunday we’ll explore what the original disciples did to access resurrection power in their everyday lives – and how […]

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