
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

God Wants To Provide

How much confidence do you have everything you need will be provided, day by day?  Do you find yourself worrying that there won’t be enough?  This Sunday we’ll be exploring several spiritual insights that can liberate us, allowing us to relax and live in a sense of confidence and abundance.  YOUR PRESENCE at worship this Sunday will feed your […]

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The Generative Power Of Sacrificial Living

Life constantly confronts us with difficult choices.  What’s best for me versus what’s best for others.  What I want versus what you want.  Immediate gratification versus deferred gratification.  On Sunday we’ll learn a wonderful life-giving principle that can help us when facing difficult choices.  This will be the fourth installment in our sermon series called […]

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The People Around Us

Got any difficult people in your life?  If so, you need this Sunday's sermon.  On the cross, Jesus was surrounded by difficult people.  From his example, we'll learn how to better handle difficult people in our own lives.   

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The Mystical Aura Of Jesus

This Sunday we’ll continue seeking insight for how to handle stress and distress in our own lives by looking at how Jesus handled the most stressful and distressing experience of his life – the Cross.  This Sunday we’ll focus on one particular fact – what happened to Jesus’ clothes when he was executed – and discover a wonderful […]

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How To Triumph Over Pain

There are a million things that can cause pain in life – divorce, loss of a job, emotional abuse, a devastating diagnosis, chronic illness, betrayal, loss of a loved one, etc. Pain is a fact of life. So this Sunday, we’re going to talk about three powerful principles for triumphing over pain. This will be the […]

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When churches fall short of what they’re supposed to be, they can be very disappointing. But when they function as Jesus envisioned, they are beautiful, life-giving places. This Sunday we will celebrate the 26th Anniversary of the founding of our church by reminding ourselves what Jesus wants our church to be and how each of […]

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What Should I Believe About Miracles

Have you ever experienced a miracle?  How often do you think they occur – and under what circumstances?  What should thoughtful, modern people believe about miracles?  Those are the questions we’ll tackle – as honestly and objectively as we can – this Sunday as we wrap up our sermon series on “Great Questions Of Faith.” 

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Who Is Jesus?

Suppose someone asked you that question and you could only say one thing to capture the essence of Jesus, what would you say?  That's the question we'll explore this Sunday as we continue our sermon series on "Great Questions of Faith."  For guidance, we will look to an epic vision of heaven recorded in the book of […]

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Is Jesus The Only Way?

Many of us struggle with that question.  On the one hand, we have found life and light in Jesus.  On the other hand, what about people who live beautiful lives while embracing other faiths?  This Sunday we’ll do our best to honestly explore several different ways Christians have wrestled with the question, “Is Jesus The Only Way?”  […]

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What Should I Believe About Hell?

Have you ever struggled with what to believe about hell?  On the one hand, hell seems so harsh.  How could a God of love send people to hell?  On the other hand, it’s hard to imagine heaven being heaven if hateful, selfish people are allowed in.  So what should a thoughtful Christian believe?  This Sunday we’ll explore […]

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The Devil – Really?

This Sunday we’ll continue our new sermon series on “Difficult Questions of Faith” by asking what thoughtful, 21st century Christians should believe about the devil and demons.  We’ll explore three different interpretive options, then you can decide for yourself.  In our conversation, we’ll also identify an insight embedded in all three options that offers practical guidance for […]

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