
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Is My Life Predetermined?

This Sunday we begin a new sermon series called “Difficult Questions of Faith.”  In this series, we will pull no punches, boldly exploring the most perplexing questions of faith, starting this Sunday with two key questions:  Is my life predetermined by God’s plan or subject to the vicissitudes of free will and randomness?  How involved is God in […]

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When My Old Faith Fails

From time to time, we all have experiences that cause us to ask deep – sometimes troubling – questions about our faith.  It’s so common there’s even a term for it; it’s called a “faith crisis.”  This Sunday we’ll look at someone in the Bible who had a faith crisis who modeled for us how […]

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When You Run Out

From time to time, we all get to the place where we’re completely spent – nothing left to give; we’ve run dry.  What then?  This Sunday, we’ll explore a Gospel passage offers a powerful formula for how to respond in times when you feel completely depleted.

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Does My Perfect Soulmate Exist?

This week Pastor Jeff is going to share insights for how we can build beautiful lifetime relationships, drawing on the teachings of Genesis 2 and two recent best-selling books, “Wedding Toasts I’ll Never Give” (Ada Calhoun) and “The First Love Story” (Bruce Feiler).  This may be the most important sermon you’ll ever hear about building […]

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Religionless Christianity

. . . is a phrase coined by Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer while in prison shortly before he was executed by the Nazis.  He didn’t live long enough to fully develop the idea, yet it’s a strangely compelling phrase.  Religion has earned a bad reputation.  We long for something more genuine and life giving.  So what […]

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More Than A Pretty Name

Do you know why grace is so amazing?  It's more than a pretty name or the time the bank gives you when your mortgage is late.  Join us on Sunday to find out why grace is the greatest blessing of all. 

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How Not To Mess Up Your Life

Life is full of important decisions.  Get ‘em right, and you’ll thrive.  Get ‘em wrong, and you’ll struggle.  So this Sunday we’re going to explore what the prophet Hosea has to say about how to make good decisions.  We’ll discover three keys to making solid, life-giving decisions.

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Sing It Anyway

On Sunday we will celebrate our mothers, while at the same time exploring what God wants to say to each of us, personally, through the prophet Ezekiel, as we continue our series on Old Testament prophecies.  We’ll use examples of great women of faith to bring alive the key points of Ezekiel’s prophecy.  Invite your […]

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Your Creation Blueprint

This Sunday we continue our new sermon series in which we’re taking several Old Testament prophecies and applying them as if they were spoken directly to us and for us – because they were!  This week we’ll study a prophecy that tells you how to know what God wants you to do with your life.  […]

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What Should Have Been

When we face hard times, it’s easy to get stuck wishing we could go back to a “better” time.  It’s easy to nurse regrets.  To ask, “What if?”  To ruminate over “what should have been.”  This week we launch a new sermon series called “Ancient Bible Prophecies: Could They Foretell Your Future?”  Each week we’ll […]

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Faith, Doubt, and Somewhere in Between

Do you ever experience doubt?  Most of us try to suppress it.  After all, doubt is a sin, right?  Well, not exactly.  In fact, doubt has played a huge part in the life of many Bible heroes.  This Sunday we’ll explore a couple examples – and in the process, gain a much better understanding of […]

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