
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Spirit Prayer

Have you ever wondered how prayer works?  This Sunday we’ll try to understand – and in the process, we’ll discover a whole new way of praying that you’ve probably never even heard of.  Come get your prayer power on!   

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Holy Ghost?

The term sounds a little spooky, doesn’t it?  It’s the old English way of referring to the invisible presence and power of God all around us – what we today call the Holy Spirit.  This Sunday we launch into a new sermon series – called “Ghost Stories” – in which we’ll explore mystical Bible passages […]

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Three People You’ll Meet In Heaven

This week we’ll wrap up our sermon series on “How To Neighbor” by reminding ourselves of three key people each one of us is going to meet at some point in our journey here on earth – and once again in heaven.  We will consider what we can be doing now to make sure our […]

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I Can’t Hear You!

This Sunday we resume our sermon series on “How To Neighbor.”  We’ll study a Bible story where the early Christians managed to overcome deep divisions within their community.  We’ll notice how they did it, then ponder how each of us as individuals might apply those lessons to the deep divisions we encounter in our culture […]

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Answering The Call

This week, LifeJourney's seminary student, Samantha Hasty-Zander asks, "Ever feel burned down or burned out?"  In those times, its hard to see God and easy to doubt. This week we'll look at an old, old story about a time when the people of Judah felt the same way, and from their example, we'll learn something […]

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give

You have something that somebody else desperately needs – the gift of your presence.  This Sunday we’ll look to the example of Jesus to learn how – by doing a few simple things – we can bring life and comfort to someone who really needs us.  Join us for the second installment in our new […]

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How Could This Happen?

You saw what happened in Orlando.  You remember what happened at Mother Emanuel Church – and Sandy Hook and San Bernardino and. . . .Why does this keep happening?  And what can we do about it?  This Sunday we’ll explore some deep insights Jesus offers, as we launch into a new sermon series called “How […]

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Creative Destruction

We all experience times in life when it feels like everything is crashing down around us.  This week we’ll wrap up our sermon series “My Ordinary Life,” by exploring the extraordinary opportunity that life’s lows offer us.  Are you experiencing some tough setbacks in life?  Don’t lose hope; join us on Sunday to discover how […]

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When Jesus Met A Gay Man

This Sunday will be special; you won’t want to miss it!  At our 9:30 am worship service, we will host the first-ever Indy Pride Interfaith Service, featuring songs, prayers, and exhortations from leaders of various congregations, including our own.  Our 11:00 o’clock worship service will follow our normal LifeJourney format, but will elaborate further on […]

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How Much Is Enough?

This Sunday, as we continue our sermon series on “My Ordinary Life,” we’ll imagine it’s Friday – pay day! – which raises the question: What role should money play in the life of a deeply spiritual person?  How should I balance my need for money – and the stuff money can buy – with my […]

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Love Yourself 

It’s a slow Saturday – not much to do.  Crashing after a long week.  You’re alone with yourself, and that’s when it happens.  Without the distractions of the work week, your stuff comes to the surface. The issues that attack our self-esteem.  All those hang ups we can have about ourselves.  We all have them.  Cul […]

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