
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

What the Future Holds

Some Christians have a very pessimistic view of what the future holds for humanity and planet earth.  Are they right?  How should we, as people of faith, see the future?  And what’s my personal role in shaping that future?  This Sunday we’ll examine a famous Bible passage that suggests maybe the future can take a […]

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Life In 110 Words

This Sunday we’ll continue our series on “Eight Epic Bible Passages” by looking at the single most famous passage in all the Bible – a passage that tells us what God is like, how God feels about us, and what we should expect in life.  Don’t miss God’s wisdom for your life! 

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The Amazing Secret to a Blessed Life

This Sunday we continues our sermon series on “Eight Epic Bible Passages” by looking at Psalm 1, a passage that tells us the amazing secret to living a blessed life.  Join us for some refreshing worship and practical teaching and encouragement.

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Wonder and Awe!

This Sunday we launch a new sermon series called, “Eight Epic Bible Passages.”  In this series, we’ll explore eight different Scripture passages that are, arguably, the greatest, most-important in all the Bible – one passage each week.  This week we’ll begin with Genesis 1.  What should we make of the Biblical creation story?  What vital […]

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Dying To Live–or–Living To Die

This week we conclude our sermon series called “If we knew now what they knew then . . . .  7 Steps to living with spiritual power.”  Our 7th lesson will be the most important of all – a lesson from Jesus himself – about how to find profound fulfillment in life, no matter what […]

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The Power of Joy

This Sunday we resume our sermon series called “If we knew now what they knew then . . . , 7 Steps to living with spiritual power!”  We’ll look to the example of the Macedonian Christians to learn how we can harness more of the transformative power of joy in our lives.  Start off the […]

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Let Go

You've heard people say it many times, "Let go, and let God!"  Sounds good, yet really hard to do.  But imagine if we could really do it; imagine if we could take our biggest anxieties, give them to God, and not take them back.  This Sunday we'll look at how to do that.  Start your New […]

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The Promise of a Child

This Sunday was our annual Christmas musical program. Since we are unable to webcast this program, please enjoy this Christmas sermon from last year.In this Christmas sermon, originally presented in December 2014, Pastor Jeff will explore a deep and practical meaning of Christmas -- a meaning you may have never considered before.Merry Christmas from all of us […]

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My Finest Gift I Bring

If we could give God (and those around us) just one gift this Christmas season, what would it be?  This Sunday we’ll look to the story of the wise men and shepherds for an answer.  The answer will probably surprise – maybe even scandalize – you. 

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Silent Night

This Sunday we resume our sermon series called “If we knew now what they knew then.... 7 Steps to spiritual power” by exploring what powerful life lesson we can learn from the example of Mary and Joseph when the birth of baby Jesus was announced to them.

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Hopeless Hope

This week we will look at a little known prophet, Habakkuk, to see how he responded when his world was falling apart and he believed that God was not hearing his prayer. Can we have hope in hopeless situations?

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Prayer as Action!

Most of us believe prayer is powerful – absolutely essential to living with spiritual power.  But most of us also wonder, “Am I doing it right?  What am I missing?”  This week we’ll look at a key episode in the life of Jesus to gain insight into how prayer should work in our lives at […]

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